Destiny 2 players express “ridiculous” Exotic focusing cost concerns

Destiny 2 players express dissatisfaction with high cost of Exotic focusing ahead of Season of the Deep

Destiny 2 players express “ridiculous” Exotic focusing cost concerns
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Destiny 2 Exotic Focusing Costs Sparks Player Discontent

The cost of focusing Destiny 2 Exotics has become a hot topic among players ahead of the Season of the Deep launch, with some expressing concerns with the “ridiculous” prices charged by Rahool, the Cryptarch located in the Tower. The feature allows players to customize their Exotic gear by selecting specific perks and stat distributions, but the price of focusing them has become a concern for some players.

Taking to social media platforms to voice their concerns, players argue that the high price of focusing Exotics is prohibitive and discourages experimentation with different builds. “The price of focusing exotics in Destiny 2 is ridiculous,” one player writes. “I know it’s a grind but come on, it shouldn’t cost a fortune to test different builds.”

The issue has sparked a debate within the Destiny 2 community, with some players suggesting alternative ways to make focusing more accessible. One suggestion is to reduce the cost of focusing or introduce a system that allows players to earn focusing materials through gameplay.

“The fact that you can pay real money to focus exotics that you get through grinding materials that you have to also grind for is ridiculous,” another player writes. “It feels like a cash grab. That’s not what the spirit of this game is.”

Critics argue that the current pricing structure feels like a cash grab and goes against the spirit of the game, which is typically focused on earning materials through gameplay. Some players believe that the cost of materials needed for focusing should be reduced and/or made easier to obtain.

“If you want people to try out different builds, then you shouldn’t charge such a high amount for it,” another player writes. “It’s already a grind, don’t make it even more of a grind by making it cost more.”

Others simply express frustration at the high cost and hope for a change ahead of Destiny 2 Season of the Deep. “I want to try out some Exotic builds but paying 10 times the cost of an Exotic for materials is crazy,” one player writes. “I’m not even sure if I’m going to bother with focusing my exotics this season.”

As the conversation continues, Destiny 2 fans eagerly await Bungie’s response and potential changes to the Exotic focusing system. In the end, the goal is to find a balance that satisfies both players’ desire for customization and the need for a fair in-game economy.

While critics argue that the current pricing structure feels like a cash grab and goes against the spirit of the game, others are more willing to pay the current price. “I don’t mind paying whatever for my exotics to be focused,” one player writes. “It’s a grind and I work hard for my money.”

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