Destiny 2’s newest Exotic mission is splitting the community

Destiny 2's Exotic Mission Creates Division Among Players

Destiny 2’s newest Exotic mission is splitting the community
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Destiny 2's Aquatic Ruin Explorer

The release of Destiny 2's latest Exotic mission, 'Aquatic Ruin Explorer,' has caused a rift within the community. Players are divided on the best approach to progress through the Deep Dives activity, hindering their completion of Season of the Deep's objectives.

Teams are grappling with conflicting strategies and struggling to find unity within the divided landscape of the activity. While this division adds an interesting twist for those seeking to complete the Deep Dives with an Exotic Engram, it also highlights the challenge of balancing individual goals with cooperative gameplay.

Players have discovered that the release of the Exotic mission in the Deep Dives activity has resulted in a fractured player base. Each team is pursuing its own path, disregarding the efforts of others.

YouTuber 'TonicTonic' voiced their frustration in a recent clip, saying, 'There's no way to coordinate with other people in the Lighthouse because everybody has their own idea of how to beat this activity. It's just a mess.'

The lack of unity is impeding meaningful progress in Season of the Deep's Deep Dives. The disagreement over the best course of action is causing frustration as players question why their teammates aren't on the same page.

Teams are struggling to effectively communicate and coordinate their efforts due to the absence of a clear consensus on where to go and what to do.

TonicTonic explains, 'The problem is we have no way of knowing who's doing what. The game has no way of knowing who's doing what, and it's making matchmaking even more difficult.'

The divided player base has made it challenging for matchmaking systems to create balanced teams. When two players search for a third party member, the system cannot determine whether the team is working on the Deep Dives or not, making it uncertain whether an additional player would be helpful or a hindrance.

Fortunately, there is a potential solution to this problem, at least in theory. TonicTonic suggests that the only way to combat the fractured community is for everyone to come together and unite under a single banner.

'If everybody just went to the Lighthouse, we would be done in 10 minutes,' they say. 'But this is what we have, and I guess we gotta deal with it.'

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