Dungeons & Dragons: Fire Genasi species guide

Fire genasi in Dungeons & Dragons: Discover the descendants of djinn with an attunement to fire and an affinity for flames.

Dungeons & Dragons: Fire Genasi species guide
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Fire genasi in Dungeons & Dragons

Want to know more about fire genasi in Dungeons & Dragons? These descendants of djinn have an attunement to fire. Thanks to this innate connection, they can produce flames on command, are resistant to flames, and can light fires with magic. If you’re seeking a character that’s hot to the touch, read on for the lowdown on fire genasi.

Fire genasi traits

Fire genasi trace their heritage back to the Elemental Plane of Fire, where djinn reside. As a result of their fiery heritage, you might expect fire genasi to have burnished skin and fiery hairstyles, and you’d be right. Confident and determined, these characters have an affinity with fire that can enhance your next Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Here’s what you need to know about playing fire genasi in the fantasy RPG game.

Fire genasi are either medium or small-sized characters with a walking speed of 30 feet. They have darkvision, which allows them to see in dim light and darkness. Additionally, fire genasi have resistance to fire damage.

Fire genasi spellcasting

Fire genasi have an innate spellcasting ability tied to their connection to the Elemental Plane of Fire. They possess the Produce Flame cantrip and can cast Burning Hands and Flame Blade spells. Fire genasi can cast these spells using appropriate spell slots and chosen ability score.

The following table allows you to determine the fire genasi’s spellcasting ability based on their character level:

Fire genasi classes

With their innate spellcasting, fire genasi are well-suited for certain magic-wielding classes in Dungeons & Dragons. Each class benefits from the fire genasi’s innate spellcasting abilities in different ways, but they can all enhance damage-dealing options or provide versatility in combat.

Here are some recommended classes for fire genasi:

  • Water Genasi – Water Genasi are as at home in the sea as they are on land, and share a kinship with the Elemental Plane of Water.
  • Air Genasi – Air genasi are the descendants of djinn, and possess the ability to move through the air as naturally as they move through the earth.
  • Earth Genasi – Earth genasi are as at home on the battlefield as they are in the mines, and share a kinship with the Elemental Plane of Earth.

Genasi (or genies) are playable races in Dungeons & Dragons that share a kinship with the Elemental Planes. Each genasi race has a connection to a particular plane, and can call upon this heritage to cast spells and enhance their abilities. For more on the genasi race, check out our Dungeons & Dragons Genasi guide.

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