Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc traits explained

Discover the formidable Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc traits, from incredible stamina and darkvision to intimidating features.

Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc traits explained
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

What are Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc traits?

Half-orcs have evolved since their first appearance in the game all the way back in the 80s, with the modern version of the species being anything but half-hearted. These brutal, mean-spirited creatures have evolved to offer more than just barbarian and fighter class options, excelling in melee combat but with a range of character choices.

Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc traits

Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc traits are as follows:

Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc subraces

There are three Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc subraces, which are:

As well as being big, brutal, and mean, Half-orcs can also survive in extreme environments and have darkvision, so they’re not to be messed with. They also gain proficiency in the intimidation skill, making them even scarier – the perfect Half-orc character probably doesn’t say a word, letting their monstrous features do the talking.

Of course, it’s not all intimidation and violence with the Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc, as they’re also pretty hard to kill thanks to the Relentless Endurance trait. If a Half-orc is ever reduced to zero hit points, they can drop to one hit point instead of dying, giving them a chance to escape danger and heal.

Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc Savage Attacks enable them to roll additional damage dice when scoring a critical hit with a melee weapon. These additional dice are added to any additional effects caused by the weapon, such as a weapon’s ability to deal additional fire damage on a critical hit.

Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc classes

Half-orcs are best suited to classes where you can get up close and personal, with melee-based classes like Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Rogue, Monk, and Druid being suitable options. If you’re looking to play a more caster-focused character, you might want to avoid the Half-orc, as its innate strength and constitution can lead to overpowered characters.

The Mark of Finding half-orc, introduced in Eberron – Rising from the Last War, offers a very different experience to your standard half-orc, with innate magics and hunting advantages. These half-orcs were first created by the druids of the Last-WATer, a druidic order dedicated to preserving and protecting the world. The Mark of Finding half-orc gains a d4 bonus to Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) checks.

Mark of Finding half-orcs have access to the hunter’s mark and locate object spells, with Wisdom as their spellcasting ability. They also have access to additional spells, as shown on the Mark of Finding Spells table. Any class that grants access to the spells listed on this table can use them, but they must be learned as normal.

The Mark of Finding half-orc is best suited to Ranger, Druid, and Cleric classes, as Ranger offers the most fitting class for Mark of Finding half-orcs, gaining access to the spells and proficiency in Perception and Survival. Druids benefit from the free spells, alongside their versatile spellcasting options, while Clerics, particularly those in the Nature Domain subclass, can also utilize the Mark of Finding effectively.

That’s everything you need to know about Dungeons & Dragons Half-Orc traits. If you want to take on a more monstrous form, take a look at our Dungeons & Dragons shape-shifter guide, which details all the available options, from Werewolf to Vampire. If you’re looking for something a bit more magical, take a look through our best wizards guide to find the perfect fit for your character.

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