How to deal with an overpowered party

Tips for dealing with an overpowered party in Dungeons & Dragons, from adjusting monsters to adjusting players.

How to deal with an overpowered party
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Dungeons & Dragons: Tips for dealing with an overpowered party

When players get too powerful in Dungeons & Dragons, it can throw a wrench in the gears of your campaign. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to adjust the challenge in your game to keep things fun for everyone.

Players become too powerful for a number of reasons, including certain builds, multiclassing, great dice rolls, or just because. While it can be frustrating for a Dungeon Master to have their carefully crafted world rendered impotent, you don’t have to throw your game into chaos to keep things interesting. While it’s impossible to stop players from min-maxing, there are a number of ways to increase the difficulty of encounters without making them impossible.

Tweak monsters

The first and most obvious solution for a suddenly powerful player character is to increase the health points and armor class of monsters. This is the most basic way to increase the challenge of a fight, but it can be easy to overcorrect. Remember that the challenge in an encounter can come from many sources, not just the amount of damage that a monster can deal.

If your players are dealing too much damage in a single hit, consider increasing the foe’s ability scores – particularly health, AC, and saves. You can also give them resistance or even immunities to certain damage types, such as bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.

Tweak players

On the flip side, if the players are dealing too little damage, or their enemies are too difficult to hit, you can always boost the boss’s ability scores. Bosses often have the benefit of multiple actions per turn, and they should be more powerful than normal monsters – so consider giving them extra attacks outside the boss’s turn.

You can also balance action economy by giving the boss minions to command, forcing the players to split their attacks between multiple targets. This method works well for bosses with spells as well, forcing players to target specific actions to overcome the threat.

Strategic thinking

All of the above tips can be used to simply make the boss hit harder, but you can also play to their strengths strategically. If your players are finding that their foes are too difficult to hit, consider giving them abilities that target healers, allowing them to focus on squishy targets. Use minions to isolate tanks, and hit players who use mobility to leave the enemies in the dust. Try to counter player techniques that are becoming too powerful.

Countering specific player builds and countering specific enemies are effective ways to adjust the difficulty of a fight without making it impossible. If you know that a certain player has a particular weakness, hit them where they are weakest. Likewise, if you know that the party’s ranger is particularly strong against a specific enemy type, consider creating a monster that counters their strategy.

If you are going to increase the difficulty of an encounter, you can always improvise during the battle. If the players are having trouble, don’t give up – instead, increase the challenge as necessary. If a boss is hitting the party too hard, consider giving them fewer minions, or increasing the boss’s health to force them to use more tactical thinking.

If your players are finding that a fight is too easy, think ahead. If you have a plan for phase two, don’t be afraid to use it. If your players are hitting a boss too easily, think of ways to keep them on their toes. If the boss is too weak, consider making them stronger, or bringing in reinforcements. Ultimately, your priority should be to keep the players having fun. If they are enjoying the power fantasy, there may be no need to increase the challenge – but if the game is getting stale, you may need to make adjustments.

Not every fight has to be challenging, and there is no shame in allowing players to win sometimes. With that said, focus on essential encounters and allow for occasional easy victories – but make sure you are adapting to their overly powerful abilities.

If you are struggling with how to balance your game, check out some common D&D campaign settings, or learn how to run the best D&D adventures. You can also check out other PC games if you’re looking for something to tide you over until the next D&D session.

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