Dungeons & Dragons: Giants and their Giant Bags explained

Discover what you can find in the bags of Dungeons & Dragons Giants.

Dungeons & Dragons: Giants and their Giant Bags explained
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Dungeons & Dragons: Giants and their Giant Bags

Want to know more about Dungeons & Dragons: Giants and their Giant Bags? We’ve been keeping a close eye on the Dungeons & Dragons: Giants and their bags to learn what these colossal creatures carry around with them. Giants aren’t just huge monsters, as they also serve as characters and even players for the D&D game. They also carry things around with them, and our D&D team has been scouring the dungeons and cities of D&D for what these behemoths carry in their bags.

Everything in D&D is fair game, so you can expect the Dungeons & Dragons: Giants and their Giant Bags to be just as integral to your game as any other character. Giants collect small items that can be repurposed by smaller characters, like makeshift armor. You can also find rare resources that you can use to make weapons and armor, or cook a meal. From the outside, they may look like a mundane sack, but we’ve seen what’s inside a Giant’s bag and it’s simply breathtaking. Here’s what you can expect to find inside a Dungeons & Dragons: Giants and their Giant Bags.

Dungeons & Dragons Giant bags

In Dungeons & Dragons, all giants carry large bags that they use to store their belongings and food. These bags can be found in dungeons, abandoned in a room, or even in the bags of a slain giant. Whatever the case, we’ve rummaged through many giant bags to discover all sorts of interesting things.

When you’re exploring a dungeon, you can expect to find a variety of items in a giant’s possession. From necklaces and idols that serve as cultural context for the world, to lengths of rope that provide utility in the game.

Not only does a giant carry rope for various purposes, but they also carry food in their bags, ranging from unsavory items to more palatable options. Cooks can find cooking tools and utensils in a Giant Bag, a handy resource to have in case you need to cook up some food while in dungeons.

You can also sometimes find oversized clothing in a Giant Bag, which you can presumably repurpose for yourself. While we haven’t seen any characters do this yet, you can probably wear a giant’s shirt or pants as a costume.

Giant Bags also come in all shapes and sizes, so you never know what you might find in a loot drop. You might be tempted to just sell the gold and other expensive valuables, but don’t overlook the magical items that you find in a giant’s bag. Since you don’t know which giant it belongs to, you might get lucky with a desired magic item.

Dungeons & Dragons Giants and their bags explained

That’s everything you need to know about Dungeons & Dragons: Giants and their Giant Bags. While the contents of their bags depend on the type of giant you find, you can expect some general categories to be present, like food and clothing.

We’ve also seen personalized magic items in a giant’s bag, which is one of the best parts of the D&D games. It’s always exciting to get the item you’ve always wanted, so we’re glad that giants have a way of getting exactly what they want. That’s all you need to know to start hunting down Dungeons & Dragons Giants and their bags.

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