Here’s how to make the most of Fission Batteries in Fallout New Vegas, and where to find them in the wilds of the Mojave.
Need to know what Fallout New Vegas Fission Batteries are, and how you can use them? Fission Batteries are portable power sources scattered throughout the wasteland. You may have already come across them while exploring, but if not, here’s where to find them and what they do.
You may have guessed it by their name, but Fallout New Vegas Fission Batteries are found in the RPG game in the Mojave Wasteland. You’ll find them in locations like the REPCONN test site and headquarters, and the Securitron de-construction plant, among others. While they aren’t as exciting as a new weapon or perk, there are several practical applications for them in the game. If you want to know more about the best Fallout New Vegas guns, we’ve got you covered.
Fallout New Vegas Fission Battery uses
Becoming the new sheriff of Primm requires the help of Primm Slim, the repurposed protectron. For this mission, you need three Fission Batteries and four conductors. You can find these items in the REPCONN building’s basement, next to the terminal that controls Primm Slim.
The other uses for Fission Batteries in Fallout New Vegas are all part of the Honest Hearts DLC. Several new energy weapons are added, and you can convert extra Fission Batteries into energy cells. This is particularly useful for laser or plasma weapons. You need a Science skill of at least 50 to use the new energy weapons, and the conversion process will save inventory space.
Selling Fission Batteries will earn you a respectable base value of 75 caps. Your barter skill affects this price, with high levels increasing the amount you can charge. Camp MCCarran has discounted food if you can repair their food processor, and the parts you need for this are plentiful. You need Fission Batteries among other materials, and each one you donate will reduce the price of food by five.
The Dead Money DLC offers the Coin Operator perk, which allows you to make Sierra Madre Chips using Fission Batteries. These can be used at vending machines for various items, including weapons and apparel. The vending machines will charge you a premium, but you can make a profit by re-selling the items.
Making moonshine is a fun way to use Fission Batteries. The recipe requires one Fission Battery, Maize, Mutfruit, and Yeast. You need a high Survival skill level to make it, and it boosts Charisma and Strength but drains Intelligence.
Cass, the owner of Cassidy Caravans, will teach you this recipe once she becomes your companion. You can also use Fallout New Vegas Fission Batteries to make other types of booze, but moonshine is the only one that boosts stats.
Moonshine is heavy, so converting the Fission Batteries into energy cells saves you some inventory space. You can also use this to your advantage to make more of the stuff, but you’ll need a high barter skill for that.
And that’s everything you need to know about Fallout New Vegas Fission Batteries. For more tips and tricks, check out our Fallout New Vegas review. We also have guides on how to get the best perks in Fallout New Vegas, and the best Fallout New Vegas companions, along with the best Fallout New Vegas weapons, and the best Fallout New Vegas mods.