Looking for how to save your game in Final Fantasy 16? Since Final Fantasy 16 is such a massive game, you’re probably going to need more than one sitting to complete it. Therefore, it’s essential to know how to make regular saves before engaging in challenging battles, visiting new locations, or when exploring new chapters in this vast RPG game.
Final Fantasy 16
Final Fantasy is well known for its epic story, colourful world, and memorable characters, but it also keeps track of how many hours you’ve spent playing. Don’t let that discourage you during your playthrough though, since you need to spend plenty of time in the Kingdom of Lucis, Luna, and other cities to upgrade your abilities, party members, and weapons. Throughout your journey, there will be plenty of areas to explore and battles to win, so make sure to save often to avoid having to repeat everything you’ve already done.
How to Save Your Game in Final Fantasy 16
To save your game in Final Fantasy 16, you need to access the save menu. You can do this by pressing a specific button on your controller or navigating to the options menu.
Once in the save menu, you will be presented with a list of available save slots. If you wish to create a new save file, select an empty slot to begin. If you wish to overwrite an existing slot, again, select the slot you wish to use and the game will automatically take the most recent save from that slot and overwrite the existing save data with your most recent game progress.
After selecting the slot, you will be prompted to ‘Confirm Save’. Once confirmed, your game progress will be saved to that particular slot. It’s recommended that you save frequently so that you don’t lose any valuable game progress if an unexpected event occurs, such as a game crash, or if you simply wish to stop playing for the evening.
Final Fantasy 16 Autosave
While saving your game manually is the most reliable method of recording the progression of your game, Final Fantasy 16’s autosave function can be relied upon in some circumstances. Final Fantasy 16’s autosave function automatically saves your progress at certain checkpoints throughout the game. For example, it will save your progress after a boss battle, or when you enter a new area. You can check to see if autosave is available for that area if you need to in the menu options.
Is Final Fantasy 16 Autosave Enough?
If you wish to rely completely on the autosave feature to save your game, be aware that it isn’t infallible. The game may not automatically save if you die in battle, so if you return to camp without completing all of the side quests in that area, the progress of your game may not be saved. Therefore, we strongly recommend saving regularly to avoid losing progress.
With Final Fantasy 16 being such a big game, we recommend that you spend more than one sitting completing it. So, if you wish to spend hours exploring the first area of the game, make sure you save that progress before you lose your game by taking a bathroom break!