Fire Emblem Engage post-game activities and challenges

Discover the exciting post-game activities and challenges in Fire Emblem Engage after completing the main story.

Fire Emblem Engage post-game activities and challenges
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Fire Emblem Engage post-game activities

Want to know what to do after finishing the main story in Fire Emblem Engage? After beating the final boss, you’ll be able to continue playing for quite some time. There are a variety of activities to do, including Paralogues, Tempest Trials, and achievement hunting.

These Fire Emblem Engage post-game activities are crucial if you want to get the most out of your experience. The Fire Emblem games are known for their strong stories and characters, so it’s important to increase Bond Rank with characters to unlock their paralogues and get better weapons. If you’re interested in the RPG game‘s story, be sure to check out our Fire Emblem Engage review. Here’s everything you need to know about the Fire Emblem Engage post-game.


Paralogues are tough side missions tied to specific characters. They will increase Bond Rank with the character, and completing them will provide you with better weapons. You can view which ones you have not completed in the status menu or on the world map.

You can also access the world map while in battles to see which locations you have not visited. These areas will often have shops that aren’t available otherwise, so make sure to visit them if you can.

Tempest Trials

The Tempest Trials are consecutive battles that will tax your endurance. You’ll need to complete seven battles with no breaks in order to receive upgrade materials for Emblem weapons. If you’re looking to maximize your weapons, this is a must for the Fire Emblem Engage post-game.

Achievements and Bond Fragments

Completing achievements will earn you Bond Fragments. These fragments are useful for battling Emblems, engraving weapons, or creating Bond Rings. You can change the number of Bond Fragments you’re earning per battle in the options menu.

Bond Rings

Bond Rings are tied to Emblem units and offer stat bonuses and Skill Points. You can equip these rings by opening the status menu and selecting the Bond Ring section. Consider purchasing the Expansion Pass for some nice bonus items and the Fell Xenologue DLC campaign if you enjoy the core game.

Now that you know what to do after finishing the main story, it’s time to get back to the game. If you’re looking to try some different characters, be sure to check out our Fire Emblem Engage tier list. If you’re starting to feel burned out, here are some great new games like Fire Emblem that we recommend trying.

Do you plan on hunting achievements in Fire Emblem Engage?

Get the most out of your Fire Emblem Engage experience by purchasing the Expansion Pass for bonus items and the Fell Xenologue DLC campaign. If you’re looking to change things up, start a new playthrough with different characters. Engage allows you to use Second Seals to max out your units’ stats, so you should be able to tackle harder challenges. If you’re still struggling, change classes to find a new favorite unit and try out new strategies.

If you’re looking for a true challenge, Maddening Mode and Classic Mode will give you just that. These modes add permadeath, requiring you to be very careful with your units. However, you can use Second Seals in these modes to ensure you can get your units back to full strength. On the other hand, if you want a new layer of challenge without the threat of permadeath, try out Classic Mode, which adds permadeath but allows you to change your party’s classes.

Engage allows you to rewind turns if you make a mistake, mitigating the risk of permadeath. This means that even if you lose a unit, you can use Second Seals to get them back to full strength.

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