Magic: The Gathering – Commander Masters Planeswalker Party deck

Planeswalker Party is a strong Superfriends-style deck in Magic: The Gathering's Commander Masters set. Here are budget alternatives to improve your gameplay.

Magic: The Gathering – Commander Masters Planeswalker Party deck
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Want to make your Planeswalker Party Commander deck even stronger?

We’ve got you. The pre-constructed Planeswalker Party deck in Magic: The Gathering’s Commander Masters set is a great way to dive into the “Superfriends” archetype for the first time. Boasting a strong selection of planeswalkers, the deck also uses a variety of supporting cards to bolster the strength of each individual card.

Planeswalker Party focuses around planeswalkers themselves

with a number of cards providing benefits when casting them or attacking with them. There are also ways to add loyalty counters to planeswalkers at a rapid rate, protecting them from removal spells. Here are some budget alternatives to strengthen the deck and improve your gameplay.

The Planeswalkers

Gold-Forged Thopteryx gives all your planeswalkers ward 2, protecting them from the likes of Hellkite Tyrant, Vanquish The Weak, and similar mass removal spells. If you’re playing against a deck with a lot of spot removal, Lae’zel, Vlaakith’s Champion adds an extra loyalty counter when you cast a planeswalker. The extra counter means they’ll likely survive any combat that follows, or can be used to activate an ability like Chandra’s +1.

The Peregrine Dynamo is an incredibly handy card that allows you to double up on a planeswalker ability for just one mana. You’re still limited to using it once per turn, but if you need to use an ability like Karn’s -2 twice in one turn, or Nissa’s +1 twice, this is the card for you. Archon Of Absolution is a great way to stop opponents from attacking you or your planeswalkers, making it much harder for them to get rid of your threats.

There’s plenty of good removal in this deck, but there are some spells that are particularly versatile. Chaos Warp is a great example, allowing you to deal with any problematic permanent that might be troubling you. It’s a little more expensive than some of the other removal, but since it can exile anything, you don’t have to worry about running out of targets. Another card that fits this bill is Mila, Crafty Companion / Lukka, Wayward Bonder. The pair of creatures give you an extra loyalty counter for attacking planeswalkers, but also reward you for casting creature spells, including your own.

There’s a lot of value to be found in the deck’s tutors, and while they’re a little more expensive than similar cards, they still allow you to search for two planeswalkers from your library. If you absolutely need two copies of a specific card, you can’t go wrong with Ignite The Beacon. As a budget alternative, Urza Assembles The Titans is a little more expensive, but can put a planeswalker onto the battlefield for free, assuming you can meet the condition. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for a bit more flexibility, we’ve got a budget tutor for you. Search For Glory can search for legendary cards, including planeswalkers, and as an added bonus, can also find spells with the keyword Proliferate.

The Planeswalker Party Planeswalkers

The Planeswalker Party planeswalkers are a vital part of the deck, and you’ll be relying on them for the bulk of your card advantage. Thankfully, there are plenty of good budget options for the deck. Urza’s Rage is a fine instant speed wrath that can keep the board clear of smaller threats while also netting you a loyalty counter on some of the higher-cost planeswalkers. It’s a tad expensive, but if you can afford it, Ajani’s Presence is a great way to protect your planeswalkers from a range of removal spells.

Planeswalker Party is a great deck if you’re looking to dip your toes into the Superfriends archetype. The deck is a little more expensive than some of the other pre-cons in Commander Masters, but it packs a lot of value and is a perfect starting point if you’re new to planeswalkers.

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