Expectations are high for the Mass Effect 3 ending. With the Reapers defeated, the galaxy is in a state of flux, and a tough choice is presented: will you save the Geth, or the Quarians? If you’re hoping to preserve both, however, there’s a way.
Deciding the fates of two entire species is a big deal, but if you’ve played both Mass Effect 3 and its predecessor to the end, there’s a way to save both the Geth and Quarians. While you’re making crucial decisions on the citadel in Mass Effect 3, you’ll want to keep in mind actions and choices you made in Mass Effect 2, long before you even set foot on the citadel.
Mass Effect 3 save both the Geth and Quarians
Certain primary actions must be taken. You can’t sell Legion’s body to Cerberus, for example, and you must ensure the survival of both Tali and Legion during the suicide mission.
The Mass Effect 3 save both Geth and Quarians methods also include ship upgrades. Multi-Core Shielding and Heavy Ship Armor are crucial for keeping squad members alive, while the Thanix Cannon is particularly devastating against the Reaper ships.
During Tali’s loyalty mission, don’t snitch on her father, but use charm or intimidate to maintain her loyalty without exile.
During Legion’s loyalty mission, choose to destroy the remaining heretics instead of rewriting them.
During the argument between Tali and Legion, convince them both to stand down without taking a side.
These key decisions made in Mass Effect 2 greatly impact the possibility of peace between the Geth and Quarians in Mass Effect 3. The method to ensure peace is simple, but does require a lot of forward thinking.
After destroying the Geth dreadnought, complete the Geth Fighter Squadrons mission before Priority: Rannoch. This gives both the Geth and Quarians the chance to fight alongside each other.
During the mission to take down AA guns on Rannoch, rescue Admiral Koris to gain both points.
Now that you know how to save both races, get hyped for the Mass Effect 3 release date. It’s not long until you can step back into the shoes of Commander Shepard, so make sure you’re prepared.