How to build a fully automated cooked chicken farm in Minecraft

Tired of constantly tending to crops? Build a fully automated cooked chicken farm in Minecraft with minimal effort.

How to build a fully automated cooked chicken farm in Minecraft
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

How to Build a Fully Automated Cooked Chicken Farm

Want to know how to build a fully automated cooked chicken farm in Minecraft? We all know that Minecraft food is vital for keeping our hunger bar full, as is the case in real life. But who has the time to go out and farm wheat all day, and then go through the lengthy process of turning it into bread? No one. Luckily, we’ve got the solution for you right here.

Our fully automated cooked chicken farm in Minecraft is incredibly cheap to build, and is able to churn out a constant supply of cooked chicken – your favourite food item – with minimal effort on your part. This is great news for your survival world, where resources are scarce, and you need to ensure you have enough food to keep going.

To build a fully automated cooked chicken farm in Minecraft, you’ll need the following items:

  • Chest
  • Hopper
  • Slab
  • Glass blocks
  • Dispenser
  • Redstone dust
  • Redstone torch
  • Redstone comparator
  • Block

Once you have the above items, you’re ready to build your automated cooked chicken farm.

First, place a chest and attach a hopper to the back of it. Then, place a slab on top of the hopper, which will be the platform for your chickens to die on (sorry, it’s a bit grim).

Next, you’ll want to build the glass structure that will support the dispenser and hopper. Place several glass blocks on top of the chest, then place the dispenser and hopper behind the slab, with a glass block on either side of the dispenser.

We enclose the hopper with glass to stop the chickens from escaping, but you could also use fence posts to form a small fence around it. Keep the lava source handy though, because you’ll need to replace it from time to time when it burns out.

Next, you’ll set up the redstone contraption, which will automatically fire eggs into the dispenser. The contraption is a bit more advanced than you may be used to, so take your time to follow the steps carefully.

First, place a redstone torch on the bottom of the hopper. Then, place another redstone dust on the side of the dispenser, immediately adjacent to the torch. Place two more redstone dusts to the left of this one, but place a redstone comparator on the side of the second one.

Now, place a final redstone dust on the side of the comparator, then a redstone torch on the top of this dust. Finally, place another redstone dust on the side of this torch, and a block on top of this. You should have a total of six redstone dusts, a comparator, and a block.

Now for the fun part. Right-click the comparator and it should automatically flip over to give you a positive output. Then, simply place a redstone torch on the positive output, and a block on the negative output. This will ensure that every egg that enters the hopper will fire the last egg that entered, creating an automatic system.

Now, place a redstone torch on the top of the dispenser, to the right of the hole, and place a redstone torch on the side of the dispenser, above the hole. This will ensure that the chicken is killed by the lava as soon as it drops into the dispenser.

Next, place a torch on the back of the dispenser, and place a second torch on the side of the dispenser, below the hole. This will ensure that the chicken is cooked by the lava above before it can escape.

Finally, you can lure the chickens into the farm through the hole, either by trapping them or by breeding existing chickens. You can block the top of the hole off with a fence post or some slabs to prevent the chickens from escaping.

And that’s it, you now have an automatic chicken farm that will produce cooked chicken every 20 minutes per chicken. It will produce an average of one cooked chicken per hour per chicken, so having more chickens will increase your output.

There are a few additional steps you can take if you want to make your farm fireproof, but this is optional. You can place slabs on top of the glass blocks, or you can place a block on top of the hole, which will form a sort of chimney for the fire to come out of.

That’s it, you now have a constant supply of cooked chicken at your fingertips. This automated chicken farm is a cost-effective and efficient way to ensure your survival world never runs out of its favourite food. Eliminating the need for manual farming is just one of the many advantages of automation in Minecraft, be sure to check out our guide to building an automated wheat farm, too.

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