Stained glass MK logo is so beautiful we want to punch it

A stunning stained glass MK logo captures the nostalgia of the fighting game, receiving overwhelming praise from fans on Reddit.

Stained glass MK logo is so beautiful we want to punch it
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

A beautiful stained glass MK logo

A beautiful MK stained glass logo has been brought to life by an artist on Reddit, as the piece receives a wealth of praise from the MK community, who reminisce about the fighting game and the nostalgia it brings. From the attention to detail to the sleek, clean design, the piece has been likened to an iconic work of art, and some users are even suggesting other video game-themed stained glass for the artist to create.

The MK stained glass MK logo is brought to life by “glassblower-in-training” “izuzu90” on Reddit, and the post is quickly inundated with positive feedback, as users express their admiration for the artwork and its clean, impressive design.

“I used to play MK all the time when I was younger,” one user writes. “Seeing this makes me want to go play again. This is beautiful.”

“This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen,” another adds. “This is a true work of art.”

Other comments praise the MK music, and how it connects to the image, while a few users make humorous and clever remarks, adding a light-hearted tone to the conversation.

“I literally cannot stop looking at this,” another user writes. “I want it so bad. Can I commission you to make one for me?”

“This is incredible,” another adds. “I used to play MK all the time when I was younger!”

The artist then shares their personal connection to stained glass art, and the sentimental value it holds for them, before explaining the limitations of the artform in capturing intricate details.

“The glassblowing community is very small,” they write. “We all know each other and often assist each other with commissions. I’ve been working on this piece for three hours and I just want to finish it to see the end result.”

One user even suggests a custom design, to which the artist replies that the design would “need a lot of planning” and could take some time to create but would be “absolutely possible.”

“Unfortunately, stained glass doesn’t really work with detailed drawings,” they add. “I would have to recreate the logo as a stained glass pattern (like a checkered flag).”

One user humorously mistakes the logo for a Michael Kors logo, but the post receives overwhelmingly positive feedback, with many expressing their desire to own the stained glass piece.

If you want to check out the MK stained glass MK logo yourself, you can do so here.

Alternatively, if you’re a big fan of MK, or just of stained glass art in general, maybe these are some of the best games with stained glass.

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