The best pause menu in a video game is…

Discover the best pause menus in video games, from Red Dead Redemption 2's immersive design to Fable 3's interactive pocket dimension.

The best pause menu in a video game is…
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The best pause menu in a video game is…

The best pause menu in a video game is… well, it’s entirely subjective, but we’re here to offer up recommendations for the pause menus you shouldn’t overlook. There are so many great ones out there, from the simplest to the most elaborate, and we’re here to celebrate all the ones that you can interact with.

We’ve already talked about the best RPG games, but what better way to enhance your gameplay experience than with the best pause menus? There are compromises where you can’t pause while going through menus, but we’ll happily ignore those if the design is impressive.

We’ve divided our recommendations up into several categories including:

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2’s pause menu is the best because it fits the Wild West theme of the game. It’s simple, elegant, and doesn’t need to be flashy when the game’s world is already so detailed.

Fable 3

Fable 3’s pause menu is cool because it actually takes you into a pocket dimension where you can interact with different rooms. It’s a lot more interactive than most, and a fun way to make menus feel less like menus.

If you want to try out a good RPG game, some of our readers recommend playing Fable The Lost Chapters. One says, “I’ve enjoyed all of the Fable games, but the third one is superior to me in every way. It’s funny, charming, and has a better story and combat.” Another says, “Fable III is an unfinished mess, but I still love it.”

Others aren’t as impressed, saying Fable 3 had “half-baked ideas” and was “unfinished”. One user writes, “Fable III was a bad game, but I couldn’t stop playing it. I was hooked.”

SCP Containment Breach

SCP Containment Breach’s pause menu is terrifying because as soon as you hit the button to unpause the game, it quickly says some creepy things, and the main character starts running again without you even telling them to.

The PT pause menu is also particularly scary because the ghost can still move while the game is paused. Like, you can see the whole map and plan your next move, but your opponent will be floating around and preparing to pounce.

Some of you appreciate developers who respect their players’ time and include pause menus. One writes, “I appreciate the developers who don’t assume I’m so dumb that I’d forget there’s a pause button.” Another user argues, “Not having a pause button isn’t a developer issue, it’s a skill-based feature.”

There are compromises where you can’t pause while going through menus but can bring the game to a complete standstill. For example, in Dark Souls II you can still pause the game by opening the map or inventory.

Persona 5

The Persona 5 pause menu is popular for its design. It’s another menu that’s so good, it’s been replicated in other games like Devil Survivor Overclocked and Octopath Traveler.


Metaphor, an upcoming game, is expected to have an impressive pause menu like Persona 5. One user writes, “I’m excited for Metaphor because the pause menu looks like the Persona 5 pause menu.” Another replies, “Isn’t that the game you’re excited for?”


The Fallout games’ Pip-Boy screen is loved because of its diegetic UI design. Another user writes, “The Pip-Boy is iconic because it’s a part of the game’s world. It’s not a menu, it’s something that fits seamlessly into the game and lore.”


The GoldenEye watch pause menu stands out as a fan-favorite. It has a great soundtrack, too, and the composers are Grant Kirkhope, Graeme Norgate, and Robert Beanland. You can listen to a sample of their work here.

The GoldenEye pause theme is also considered a catchy and memorable piece of music. One user writes, “GoldenEye is the only game where I have ever paused the game just to listen to the music,” while another says, “I got so addicted to the pause menu music. It’s a great Bond theme.”

The in-game nature of the GoldenEye watch menu adds to its appeal, making you feel like James Bond. One user writes, “I wish there was a game where I could pause to change my watch face,” while others say it’s a great way to waste time when you should be working.

TimeSplitters 2

TimeSplitters 2’s pause menu is appreciated because it’s so fitting with the game’s theme. One user writes, “The pause menu in TimeSplitters is so good because it’s a watch!”

Others mention the annoyance of taking damage during the watch animation in GoldenEye. One writes, “I had a pet peeve with GoldenEye, why did you take damage while the watch animation played?” Another replies, “You’d get shot while changing the map and die.”

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