Playing the Simpsons arcade in a car is everything I dreamed it would be

Playing the Simpsons arcade in a car is a wonderful thing, and the internet is here to share your joy with a discussion on the game's famous quote.

Playing the Simpsons arcade in a car is everything I dreamed it would be
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 10 months ago

Playing the Simpsons Arcade in Your Car

Playing the Simpsons Arcade game in your car is a nostalgic, wonderful thing, and the internet is here to let you know that, as well as discuss the quote “Put it in H” from the classic Konami game. Some even joke about your car being from a country that no longer exists. Others ask about the 3D-printed grip you’re using. But most just express their happiness and nostalgia for such a great game.

The Canyonero song lyrics are quoted, with gusto. You’ll see a lot of people quote them, I’m not going to do it here because it would take up too much space. Just know that you’ll see it a lot, and it’s an expression of excitement.

Anyway, here’s a selection of comments from the arcade Simpsons car video, which you can watch at the top of this article:

“I used to play games while I was waiting to pick up my kid from school,” one user comments, with another adding “what a time to be alive.”

“Put it in H” isn’t the only thing that gets a lot of attention, as the vibrant colors of the arcade game in your car really pop, and people really seem to notice that. There are also a few comments on the handheld emulator system in use, with people asking about the 3D-printed grip, and mentioning the name and capability of the handheld emulator itself (it can play PS1 games, if you hadn’t guessed).

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