Let’s bring back Primal Rage, the ’90s fighting game

Fans of the fighting game franchise Primal Rage express their love for the series and the desire for a reboot.

Let’s bring back Primal Rage, the ’90s fighting game
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Fans of Primal Rage Express Their Love for the Series

A fighting game fans over here at PC Game Spotlight have just shared their love for Primal Rage, a ’90s hit that is still missed by many. The nostalgia is overwhelming, and I, too, would love to see the series return. In fact, I’d even donate to a Kickstarter to make it happen. The story of the fighting game’s rise and fall and eventual cult status is a fascinating one, with some wonderful memories shared.

The tiny humans in the fighting game were fun to play with. Playing volleyball with them before eating them was a great pastime. Many users fondly remember their favourite characters, from Vertigo and Chaos to Kaza and Ratar-O.

The Primal Rage toys are also fondly remembered, with one user admitting that, “I should have kept the ones I had.” Another shares their experience as an associate producer on the home versions of the game, admitting that they “still get a little rush knowing that people are still enjoying something I helped make.”

Many users express their excitement and memories of playing Primal Rage on a variety of platforms. Check out some of the comments below:

A user also explains, “Primal Rage is a fighting game in which you controlled dinosaur gods fighting for supremacy over Nu-Urth. The key gimmick of the game was the ability to eat tiny humans who worshipped the gods.”

Users also agree that the game should be brought back and rebooted. Some of the comments below:

The Primal Rage comics received mixed reviews. The earlier issues were generally considered to be more polished than the later ones. The rushed nature of the comics is also attributed to the potential decline of the franchise.

Many users also recall having action figures and express a range of emotions, from “I remember playing with mine, destroying them, and then getting more” to “I had a ton of them, but my older brother destroyed them all.” Some express regret in destroying or losing them, while others simply appreciate their memories.

The game was clearly beloved by many, including those who had older siblings to introduce them to it. The desire for a reboot is echoed by those who miss the action figures and their accompanying miniatures.

I’m glad I finally completed my collection of Primal Rage comics after years of searching and moving countries. The art style is a bit dated, but I’m glad to have all of them, even if the earlier issues aren’t in mint condition.

The fact that I’m an adult now and still getting excited about completing my collection is probably a sign that I should seek help, but I don’t care. The fact that I remember having the action figures and enjoying them so much makes me happy, even if I feel a little sad as an adult for losing or destroying them.

I love the story about this user completing their collection of a different comic, even though the earlier issues weren’t in mint condition. It’s nice to let kids enjoy things but also to feel a little sad as an adult for losing or destroying them.

Check out more of the comments below:

And a sampling of the memories people have of playing the game:

I would definitely be down to donate to a Primal Rage Kickstarter to make a reboot happen. In fact, I’ll be checking out some of the other cult favorite fighting games and see if there’s anything else worth supporting.

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