How to make a perler bead Lugia

Learn how to make a Lugia perler bead with our step-by-step tutorial and take on the Elite Four with the Legendary Bird of Steel.

How to make a perler bead Lugia
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Making a Lugia perler bead is a blast from the past, bringing you back to after-school programs in the 90s. If you aren’t familiar with perler beads, they are a popular kids craft where you create adorable designs by placing beads onto pegboards. Our step-by-step tutorial will help you create your very own Lugia perler bead, which you can hang up in your office for all to see.

Like most perler creations, the craftsmanship on this Lugia perler bead is absolutely stunning. Several Imgur users comment on the accuracy in comparison to the Gold/Silver sprite. Others reminisce about their own creations, including DOOM or Legend of Zelda sprites.

“This is what happens when you let perlers be a part of your life,” one Imgur commenter jokes. “It’s like that meme about the artist and the scientist,” another responds, referencing the old “Which one are you?” meme.

The overall consensus is that this perler bead Lugia is cool, awesome, and epic – but it wasn’t always this way.

“When I first saw the thumbnail, I thought it was a joke,” one user admits. “I thought it was a trash perler,” another admits, but they soon changed their mind after clicking through.

Many users express their admiration for the accuracy of the design, while others reminisce about their childhoods spent making perler beads.

“I had a Lugia on my keyring when I was a kid,” one user shares, and I wonder whether it was for similar reasons. Another user jokingly points out that “it looks like it would be quite challenging to tape,” but we’re sure the perler artist will forgive them.

Check out the full Imgur gallery here, or follow our step-by-step tutorial below to create your very own Lugia perler bead.

How to make a Lugia perler bead

Here’s what you’ll need to make a Lugia perler bead:

And here’s how to make it:

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

And there you have it, your very own Lugia perler bead. Make sure to show it off to your fellow Pokémon fans, but don’t forget to share it with us on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook too.

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