Pokemon Go couple reveals series of super lucky Hundo trades

A Pokemon Go player shares her incredible trading luck with her husband, proving that some people are just born lucky.

Pokemon Go couple reveals series of super lucky Hundo trades
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

A Pokemon Go couple's incredible trading luck

A Pokemon Go couple amazes with their string of fortunate trades, leaving others envious of their incredible luck. The wife, who posts on Reddit under the name "DancingQueen0816," reveals a series of incredible trades she's made with her husband, showing just how lucky some players can be in the mobile game.

The couple's trading history proves that some folks are just born with the Hundo luck, with DancingQueen0816 showcasing several incredible trades that would be no-brainers for even the most seasoned of traders, while her husband simply stands by, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I've been playing Pokemon Go since the start, and I've been trading since the beginning as well. The problem is, my husband has never traded before," DancingQueen0816 writes. "So when he said he wanted to start, I said 'Sure, why not?' After a few trades, I started to realise that I was getting much better ones than him."

The first trade she shares is a Magmar for a Porygon, a "straight-up equal trade," she explains. Her husband is reluctant, but she assures him it's a fair deal, and that he'll see. Sure enough, her husband pulls a "super lucky" Hundo, which you can see below:

When the Hundo shows up, DancingQueen0816 excitedly exclaims, "Oh my god!" while her husband chuckles in the background, "I'm done, I'm out, I'm not trading anymore."

The second trade is a bit more even, with DancingQueen0816 trading a Dratini for a Charmander and a Squirtle. Once again, her husband is dubious of the trade, but once again, he pulls the Hundo, this time on the Squirtle.

"This is why I don't trade any more," her husband quips. "I give up." She replies, "Don't you dare!"

As the string of lucky trades continues, DancingQueen0816's husband becomes more and more incredulous. In the third trade, he trades a Golbat for a Pikachu and a Charmander. Once again, he gets the Hundo Charmander, which nets him a Squirtle as well.

"I don't believe it!" he exclaims. "This is insane!" He then quips, "I guess I'm born under a lucky star."

The fourth trade is even more of an even deal, with a Doduo traded for a Charmander and a Squirtle, but DancingQueen0816's husband still pulls the Hundo on the Squirtle, bringing his total to four Squirtles.

"You can't retire," she admonishes him. "We have to go for five!"

The fifth trade is a bit more of a gamble, with DancingQueen0816 trading a Magmar for a Charmander and a Squirtle, but once again, her husband pulls the Hundo, landing him his fifth Squirtle.

"I... I can't," her husband stammers. "I can't do this anymore."

"Oh my god!" DancingQueen0816 continues to exclaim. "You can retire now, honey. I'm done."

"This is unreal," her husband continues. "I can't believe this."

In the sixth trade, her husband finally takes the lead, trading a Weedle and a Caterpie for a Charmander. However, this Charmander is one of the most valuable Pokemon Go monsters, a Charmander with the Solar Power ability.

"This is the first time I've traded first and gotten the good side," her husband remarks.

DancingQueen0816 replies, "You have to get the Solar Power Charmander for me. It's my favourite. Please." As her husband pulls the Solar Power Charmander, she exclaims, "Oh my god!"

"I can't believe this," he replies. "This is insane!"

In the seventh trade, DancingQueen0816 trades her husband's Charmander and his Squirtle for a Charmander with the Solar Power ability. Once again, her husband pulls the Hundo, earning himself two Squirtles.

"I'm done. I'm done," her husband replies. "I cannot believe this."

In the eighth trade, DancingQueen0816 trades a Charmander with the Solar Power ability for a Dratini. Once again, her husband pulls the Hundo, landing himself his seventh Squirtle.

"This is not real," he replies. "I need to go to work."

In the ninth trade, DancingQueen0816 trades a Charmander with Solar Power for a Dratini and a Magmar. Once again, her husband pulls the Hundo, netting himself his eighth Squirtle.

"I don't want to play this game anymore," her husband replies. "You can trade all the Squirtles if you want."

In the tenth trade, DancingQueen0816 trades her husband's Charmander with Solar Power for a Dratini and a Magmar, but the Magmar is "super unlucky," so she's only willing to trade up her Dratini. They settle on a Charmander. Once again, her husband pulls the Hundo Charmander, bringing his total to ten Squirtles.

"I'm not trading anymore," he replies. "I'm done. I retire."

"Oh my god!" DancingQueen0816 continues to exclaim. "You could retire now. You have enough Squirtles."

The eleventh trade sees DancingQueen0816 trade a Charmander with Solar Power for a Charmander with the Flame Body ability. Once again, her husband pulls the Hundo Charmander, earning him his eleventh Squirtle.

"This is insane," her husband replies. "This is insane."

In the twelfth trade, DancingQueen0816 trades her Charmander with Solar Power for a Charmander with Flame Body. Once again, her husband pulls the Hundo Charmander, earning himself his twelfth Squirtle.

"We can retire now," her husband replies. "I'm done."

In the thirteenth trade, DancingQueen0816 trades a Charmander with Solar Power for a Charmander with Flame Body. Once again, her husband pulls the Hundo Charmander, earning himself his thirteenth Squirtle.

"I'm done," her husband replies. "I swear to god, I'm done. I'm not trading anymore."

In the fourteenth trade, DancingQueen0816 trades a Charmander with Solar Power for a Charmander with Flame Body. Once again, her husband pulls the Hundo Charmander, bringing his total to fourteen Squirtles.

"I'm done," her husband replies. "I'm done. I can't believe this."

In the fifteenth trade, DancingQueen0816 trades a Charmander with Solar Power for a Charmander with Flame Body. Once again, her husband pulls the Hundo Charmander, earning himself his fifteenth Squirtle.

"I can't do this anymore," her husband replies.

"Please, please, please," DancingQueen0816 pleads. "Just give me this."

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