All official D&D Paladin subclasses, ranked

Ranking the Official Paladin Oaths in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

All official D&D Paladin subclasses, ranked
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Here is a comprehensive ranking of all the official Paladin Oaths in Dungeons and Dragons 5e, based on playstyle and usefulness to the party.

Oath of the Crown

The Oath of the Crown is ideal for Paladins who prioritize the ideals of civilization above all else. These Paladins believe that upholding justice and morality within society is of utmost importance, and they dedicate themselves to protecting their civilization from external threats, including barbarous tribes. While this Oath offers some useful utilities, it falls short compared to other Oaths in terms of effectiveness. If you value character development over mechanical power, the Oath of the Crown is a suitable choice.


The Crown is a good Oath for those who wish to fulfill the role of the party's face and provide support. However, it does not excel in either of these areas and is generally less effective compared to other Oaths. If you enjoy this type of character development, the Oath of the Crown is a great option, although it may be mechanically inferior to other choices.


The Oath of Glory is an excellent choice for Paladins who aspire to be the party's face and provide support. This subclass embodies an ancient Greek aesthetic, reminiscent of legendary heroes like Achilles. If your party requires a character of this nature, the Oath of Glory is a suitable subclass.

Oath of the Watchers

The Oath of the Watchers excels at seeking, fighting, and eliminating creatures from different planes of existence. This subclass focuses on vigilance and loyalty, making it particularly effective in modules featuring extraplanar monsters as antagonists.


If you enjoy combatting monsters from other planes, the Oath of the Watchers offers a fun subclass with intriguing role-play options, including the manipulation of undead. While it may seem monotonous, this subclass is well-suited for Paladins with a strong sense of justice and meticulous attention to detail.


The Oathbreaker, found in the Dungeon Master's Guide, is a compelling subclass with diverse role-play options. It allows Paladins to manipulate undead and offers a wider range of moral alignments. While the Oathbreaker is a decent subclass, it requires players to have a deep understanding of their character's motivations and identity.

Oath of Vengeance

If you seek a subclass focused on punishing the guilty, the Oath of Vengeance is an excellent choice. Paladins who follow this path are driven to bring justice to those who commit grievous sins. While Vengeance Paladins are exhilarating to play, their focus is less on protecting the team directly, especially in large-scale battles.


The Oath of the Ancients is designed for Paladins who aim to safeguard all that is good, regardless of location. This Oath is particularly suitable for Paladins who venture into the wilderness alongside Druids, protecting nature. For an even better synergy, consider pairing this Oath with the Ranger subclass, Beast Master.


Paladins who embrace the Oath of the Ancients roam the wilderness with Druids, defending the natural world. This subclass pairs exceptionally well with the Ranger subclass, Beast Master.

Oath of Conquest

The Oath of Conquest is ideal for Paladins who excel in one-on-one combat and crowd control. However, it may not be the most effective choice in large-scale battles. If this playstyle resonates with you, the Oath of Conquest is a perfect fit.


If you desire to be the party's face while maintaining a strong sense of justice and attention to detail, the Oath of Conquest may be the right subclass for you.

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