Every Risk Of Rain 2 Lunar Item and its associated benefits, as well as how to obtain them
During a run in Risk Of Rain 2, players will accumulate a wide variety of items in their inventory. Among these are Lunar Items, identifiable by the blue aura that surrounds them. These items provide substantial buffs, but come at the cost of significant nerfs. For instance, the Eulogy Zero increases the chance of regular items spawning as Lunar Items without affecting the player's overall build.
Players will encounter numerous pieces of gear in Risk Of Rain 2 that cannot be equipped, but instead offer buffs when kept in the inventory. The Lunar Items are some of the most powerful in this roguelike game. This guide provides everything you need to know about these special items, including how to obtain them, their benefits, and where to find them.
How to Obtain All Lunar Items
Lunar Items can only be acquired by spending Lunar Coins and are represented by a distinctive blue aura. There are two ways to obtain Lunar Coins. First, players can open Lunar Pods, which always contain a Lunar Item and cost one Lunar Coin. Alternatively, Lunar Coins can be purchased at the Bazaar Between Time, a more common method of acquisition.
Opening a Lunar Pod requires one Lunar Coin and guarantees a Lunar Item. At the Bazaar Between Time, players can exchange two Lunar Coins for Lunar Buds, which provide information about the item before purchase, but always yield a Lunar Item.
Below is a list of all the Lunar Items in Risk Of Rain 2 and how to obtain them:
Eulogy Zero
This Lunar Item increases the chance of regular items spawning as Lunar Items without altering the player's build.
Light Flux Pauldron
This Lunar Item doubles the speed at which skills cool down, but halves the player's attack speed.
Stone Flux Pauldron
This Lunar Item doubles the player's health, but halves their movement speed.
Beads Of Fealty
These Lunar Items do not affect the player's stats, but grant access to a unique area for an alternate final boss if the player obliterates themselves at the Obelisk.
Brittle Crown
This Lunar Item provides a chance to gain gold on hit, but hitting the player results in gold loss.
The Corpsebloom doubles the amount of healing the player receives over time.
Defiant Gouge
This skill summons enemies every time a Shrine is used.
Essence Of Heresy
This Lunar Item replaces the player's special skill with Ruin, which allows them to stack and explode Ruin for massive damage.
Focused Convergence
This Lunar Item speeds up teleporter events, but shrinks the teleporter zone.
Gesture Of The Drowned
This Lunar Item reduces equipment cooldown, but activates equipment as soon as the cooldown finishes.
Hooks Of Heresy
This Lunar Item replaces a character's secondary skill with Slicing Maelstrom.
Mercurial Rachis
This Lunar Item creates a Ward Of Power that grants a significant damage boost to everyone within its range.
This Lunar Item reduces skill cooldowns, but causes random effects to roll an additional time, potentially resulting in harmful outcomes.
Shaped Glass
This Lunar Item amplifies the player's base damage, but reduces their maximum health by 50 percent.
That concludes our guide to the Risk Of Rain 2 Lunar Items. For more information on other aspects of the game, be sure to check out our Risk Of Rain 2 enemies guide and our Risk Of Rain 2 bosses guide.