Clever mimic disguises to strike fear into your players

Clever mimic disguises that keep players paranoid and on their toes during Dungeons & Dragons sessions.

Clever mimic disguises to strike fear into your players
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Clever Mimic Disguises for Dungeon Design

Looking for clever mimic disguises to amp up your dungeon design? Mimics are notorious for hiding in inanimate objects, waiting to catch unsuspecting adventurers off guard and devour them. As a seasoned Dungeon Master, you're always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to trick your players. These clever disguises will keep them on edge and force them to think strategically.

These mimic disguises are designed to make your players paranoid, adding new levels of tension to their explorations. In the world of Dungeons & Dragons, no object is safe, so it's crucial to stay alert. Here are some inventive disguises that will make your players nervous every time they venture out.

Teeth-Bearing Doors

Mimics love hiding in doors and catching players off guard as they try to open them. Take it up a notch by having the door grow teeth and grab a player. The other adventurers will be forced to try and force the door open, creating even more tension as they worry about their friend's life and the door grabbing at their hands.

The Outhouse Surprise

If you're not a fan of traps, the loot phase in Dungeons & Dragons can be the perfect opportunity to strike. Imagine a mimic hiding in a nearby outhouse, waiting to attack when adventurers least expect it. This surprise element adds a twist to the game, while also rewarding the players with a valuable object, slightly easing the sting of discovering the mimic trick.

The Mimicking Tavern

Any place where people gather for food, drinks, and shiny new items is ripe for mimicking. Picture a mimic hiding in the toilet of a nearby outhouse, waiting to strike once adventurers settle in for the night. In an inn, a mimic could be lurking in a corner of a room, ready to attack anyone who is sick or poisoned and desperate enough to use the restroom. Even in a tavern, the delicious food and drink could become a flesh-hungry monster. If you're a Dungeon Master who enjoys prepping different meals for your party, a mimic could be lurking under their plate, waiting to strike.

The Sneaky Locks

Rogues prefer to dwell in the shadows, where their light sources aren't as strong, ensuring their safety. However, a mimic disguised as a lock is an unexpected threat to a rogue, forcing them to move cautiously and avoid lighting up too many sources of light. With locks scattered throughout an inn, tavern, or palace, a rogue will have to tread carefully or engage in combat with the hungry locks, which can be frustrating, annoying, and sometimes hilarious for the rogue player.

The Deceptive Armchair

A cozy armchair is an inviting spot for weary travelers to rest and catch their breath. Even regal figures like kings and queens find solace in armchairs. However, mimics don't play by the rules, and they might choose an armchair as their hiding spot, keeping them out of the torchlight and keeping your players on their toes.

Boss Mimics

While mimics usually hide within inanimate objects, don't forget about encounters where the mimic itself becomes a boss fight. Mimics can be large monsters lurking in buildings and ruins, waiting to pounce when the party feels safe. In the world of Dungeons & Dragons, the atmosphere can quickly shift from cute and cozy to terrifying, and that's precisely what you're aiming for with this clever disguise.

Imagine a bed growing teeth and trying to swallow your adventurers whole as they sleep, a blanket transforming into a tentacle, or a mattress unleashing explosive spells. This is the perfect opportunity to challenge the party with a boss mimic, rewarding them for their perseverance and putting an end to their terror.

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