D&D’s College of Dance is the Bard subclass we need

The new College of Dance Bard subclass in the D&D Unearthed Arcana playtest offers a fun, silly, and unique take on the support class.

D&D’s College of Dance is the Bard subclass we need
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The College of Dance Bard Subclass in D&D's Unearthed Arcana Playtest

The College of Dance Bard subclass is now available in the latest Unearthed Arcana playtest for the 2024 Player’s Handbook, and it brings a whole new level of fun and creativity to the support class. While Bards have always been a reliable option for supporting their friends in combat, the College of Dance embraces the comedic and imaginative nature of Bards in a way that amplifies the enjoyment of playing them.

Bards are often seen as a secondary choice when it comes to combat and support play, but those who appreciate unconventional approaches and comedic characters will be drawn to the Bard class. With the introduction of the College of Dance subclass, Bards are granted unique perks that have the potential to shake things up in combat, deviating from their usual role of avoiding damage and observing others fight.

Exciting Perks

The Bard College of Dance subclass offers several exciting perks at different levels. At 3rd Level, players can choose between two options: Dazzling Footwork and Inspiring Movement. Dazzling Footwork not only increases the Bard's Armor Class but also allows them to trade in a use of Bardic Inspiration for an Unarmed Strike. On the other hand, Inspiring Movement enables the Bard to use their Reaction to move and grant an ally increased movement without provoking an attack of opportunity.

When reaching 6th Level, Bards gain access to two more perks: Evasive Dance and Initiative Boost. Evasive Dance reduces damage taken from failed Dexterity saving throws, benefiting nearby allies as well. If you often find yourself taking the most damage, this subclass might be the perfect fit for you. Initiative Boost, on the other hand, allows the Bard to use Bardic Inspiration to enhance Initiative rolls for themselves and selected creatures.

Finally, at 14th Level, the College of Dance Bard gains the ability to cast Otto's Irresistible Dance without expending a spell slot. This powerful spell forces the target to dance uncontrollably, rendering them immobile until they succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. The College of Dance Bard can cast this spell once before a Long Rest or by expending four uses of Bardic Inspiration.

While the author of this article personally finds the College of Dance subclass annoying, those who enjoy unconventional approaches to combat, support play, and comedic characters will find the Bard College of Dance to be a delightful choice. However, it is worth noting that the author's personal preference lies with the Druid's Circle of the Sea subclass, which brings its own unique flavor to the game.

If you are interested in exploring the new Bard subclass in your own D&D campaign, you can find the D&D 5th Edition Unearthed Arcana on the official Wizards of the Coast website. For those playing the Wizards of the Coast Dungeon Masters Guild content Lost Vorshak, the new Bard subclass Circle of the Sea is a perfect fit for the underwater setting.

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