Final Fantasy 16 demo makes the game look incredible – here’s our FF15 Court of Patriars review

Final Fantasy 16: A Promising Start for the New Era

Final Fantasy 16 demo makes the game look incredible – here’s our FF15 Court of Patriars review
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Final Fantasy 16: A Promising Start for the New Era

With the Final Fantasy 16 demo now available to try, players have had the opportunity to dive deep into the field, experiencing several hours of what is set to become the game of 2020. Building upon the success of Final Fantasy 15, which expanded the series' scope and ambition, director Hajime Tabata aims to take the franchise even further with Final Fantasy 16. This new installment introduces expanded gameplay systems, establishes a new part of the ongoing lore, and presents a fresh, innovative approach that aims to appeal to a broader audience.

Years in the making, Final Fantasy 16's debut confidently marks a promising start for this new era. It signals the beginning of a new Golden Age for the classic JRPG series. The immense ambition and potential displayed in the Final Fantasy 16 demo should excite any fan of the series. Here is everything experienced in the first taste of Final Fantasy 16.

Final Fantasy 16 Demo Walkthrough

The demo allows players to explore the world of Final Fantasy 16 for several hours, with a significant portion dedicated to the tutorial and an early segment called 'At the Right Hand of the Father.' Tucked away in a corner of the map, accessible only after completing the tutorial, is roughly two hours' worth of content. This is where players can experience combat and get a feel for the overall structure of the game.

Final Fantasy 16 immediately stands out as a different beast compared to its predecessors. The combat is much faster, shifting from turn-based to action role-playing. While some encounters may feel too easy, the combat feels incredible, reminiscent of games like Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Bayonetta 3.

In the menu, players can find a glossary explaining the game's lore and terminology, providing context for any unfamiliar terms. The game world itself presents a stunning vista, with the Crystalia Peaks offering a sea of green and gold against the backdrop of blue mountains and canyons.

Final Fantasy 16's setting feels distinct from past games that inspired it. It successfully avoids being a mere carbon copy of Game of Thrones, as initially anticipated after the trailer at E3 2019. Instead, Final Fantasy 16 embraces its own identity, constantly reminding players of its pedigree while aspiring to become a fantasy equivalent on the scale of A Song of Ice and Fire.

The World and Characters of Final Fantasy 16

The demo's focus is on establishing the vast world and history of Final Fantasy 16. Players are introduced to the ever-expanding cast, including Wardens Clive, Joshua, and Jill, who serve as companions in this section of the tutorial and early storyline. The characters are immediately likable, although they may appear somewhat bland on the surface. The voice acting is top-notch, showcasing the effort put into making Final Fantasy 16 appeal to a broader audience.

Final Fantasy 16 Glossary

The glossary included in the demo is invaluable, providing additional information to contextualize events such as the wider political machinations and the long history behind the adventure. These entries act as subtitles, offering context not just for the characters but also for the monsters fought and the environments traversed.

Final Fantasy 16 is a departure for the series, particularly in its approach to narrative and world-building. The demo strikes a balance between prestige drama and anime-style storytelling. The banter between characters exemplifies the no-holds-barred storytelling that sets Final Fantasy 16 apart.

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