This Raspberry Pi Mood Light uses AI to detect your emotions and change the RGB color accordingly.
Using an AI-based system, this Raspberry Pi Mood Light is able to detect your current emotional state and then color its light accordingly. It’s a great example of the capabilities of the AI developers are working with and the possibilities that open up for connected devices.
Created by maker Mohammad Reza Sharifi, the Raspberry Pi Mood Light is an excellent example of what you can achieve using Microsoft VS Code, OpenCV, and Deepface library.
Sharifi uses a video slideshow with pictures of different emotions – happy, sad, angry, and neutral – and then uses an AI algorithm to apply the correct label to each picture. Once it can recognize which picture relates to which emotion, it can then apply that to the RGB light.
PC to Pico command
PC sends command to Pico to change the color of the light.
Sharifi has experience with Pico and OpenCV, previously creating a project for hand gesture recognition. For this project, he uses a simple RGB light (WS2812 5050 Adafruit NeoPixel Ring used), a PC, and a Pico W.
The code for the project uses Python as the primary programming language, with some custom scripts for OpenCV and Deepface. Pico W communicates with the PC and RGB LEDs using MicroPython.
All code shared on Hackster, so be sure to check that out if you’re interested in learning more. There’s also a demo video on YouTube.
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