Telemarketer-wasting chatbot will finally turn the tables

A chatbot powered by ChatGPT uses nonsensical conversation to outsmart telemarketers and protect innocent people

Telemarketer-wasting chatbot will finally turn the tables
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

A ChatGPT-Powered Chatbot Takes on Telemarketers

A ChatGPT-powered chatbot has emerged as a clever solution to combat the persistent nuisance of telemarketers. Created by Roger Anderson, this ingenious chatbot, known as Jolly Roger, employs nonsensical conversation to waste the time of telemarketers, effectively preventing them from pestering innocent individuals and potentially extracting personal information.

Phone scams have become an increasingly prevalent issue, causing people to lose millions of dollars in 2022 alone. In these scams, fraudsters impersonate loved ones, skillfully manipulating victims into providing money or divulging personal information. They even utilize AI voice-cloning software to sound eerily similar to the victim's family members, further perpetuating their deceptive schemes.

Having battled telemarketers for over a decade, Roger Anderson decided it was time to take a stand against this growing problem. His brainchild, Jolly Roger, was specifically designed to shield innocent individuals from the nuisance of telemarketers.

"My goal is to prevent these phone scammers from ever reaching their intended victims," explains Anderson. "I've always despised telemarketers, and I'm tired of them ruining my day, so I'm fighting back."

Jolly Roger cleverly employs digital personalities to engage telemarketers in nonsensical conversations, frustrating and wasting their time. If unlucky enough to receive one of these spam calls, Jolly Roger records the conversation and sends you the recording. Alternatively, users can choose to record the call themselves.

For a modest annual fee of $25, Anderson provides this invaluable service, aiming to keep telemarketers on the line for as long as possible.

"I opted for GPT-4 because it excels in generating amusing yet nonsensical responses," Anderson reveals. "Among other chatbots, I chose GPT-4 because of its ability to construct lengthy, rambling sentences that effectively engage callers."

Jolly Roger has proven remarkably successful in keeping telemarketers engaged for extended periods. Anderson himself experienced a conversation lasting up to 15 minutes.

"While I used to record calls for my own amusement, I find it more satisfying to waste the scammers' time," Anderson shares. "I want them to feel like they're making progress, when in reality, they're not."

Users of Jolly Roger can select from a variety of entertaining personalities, including Whitebeard, Bloody Billy, Whiskey Jack, and Debbie Doldrums. With Whitebeard's voice provided by a dairy farmer friend of Anderson's, he expertly confounds callers, frustrating them until they give up and hang up the phone.

Anderson believes that Jolly Roger represents a significant step in the right direction, protecting individuals from phone scams and ensuring their safety. His current focus is on enhancing the chatbot's entertainment value, and he even harbors dreams of someday creating a TV series centered around Jolly Roger.

"I think it's time for some good-natured fun," Anderson declares.

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