Which RPG lead do players feel more connected to?

Which RPG lead do players feel more connected to: The Inquisitor or the Warden?

Which RPG lead do players feel more connected to?
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but we here at PC Game Spotlight love us a good RPG.

From the classics like Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale, to modern masterpieces like Divinity Original Sin 2, there’s just something about playing as that special character in a big fantasy game that really hooks me.

So when I saw the question “Which RPG lead do you feel more connected to?” pop up in our Twitter DM group, I just couldn’t keep myself from investigating.

I have to admit, my first thought was: “Which ones haven’t I played yet?” I’ve spent more time with Dragon Age’s Warden than Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard, but the reverse is true for many of you reading this. So I’m going to pick my favorites from each series, but if you want to champion someone else, make sure you tell me why in the comments section.

Strongest connection to a lead character

The Dragon Age series had a lot of things going for it, not least the ability to choose the Grey Warden’s entire origin story and experience it directly. Having personally stood in as a Grey Warden in the first two games, I can attest to the fact that this really does make you feel strongly connected to your Warden.

On the other hand, I don’t have much experience with Mass Effect, and the limited time spent with Hawke in Dragon Age made developing a strong connection a challenge. The sheer range of choices available in Dragon Age also made the Grey Warden feel like they stand in for you, while Mass Effect felt more like playing a set character.

Commander Shepard remains the most personally connected character for me, though. I played through the entire Mass Effect trilogy right when it came out, and I spent the majority of my time with the first two games on my PlayStation 2. I spent hours and hours with Shepard, and the third game felt like it came out right when I needed it most. I was in my early 20s when I played it, and Commander Shepard felt like he embodied the struggles I was having at the time.

So which RPG lead do you feel most connected to? Make sure you let me know in the comments!

Alternatively, if you want to know more about the RPG games that have actually released in recent years, check out our list of the best RPG games on PC.

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