Blasphemous 2: complete House of Grief and Hatred in style

Discover the hidden rewards in the House of Grief and Hatred DLC for Blasphemous 2

Blasphemous 2: complete House of Grief and Hatred in style
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The House of Grief and Hatred

If you’re looking for the Blasphemous 2 House of Grief and Hatred rewards, then you’ve come to the right place. The House of Grief and Hatred is the first DLC for Blasphemous 2, and you’ll need to complete its challenges and find its Bedridden Daughters and Candle Rooms to get the best rewards in the game.

The House of Grief and Hatred is just one of the Blasphemous 2 DLCs, with the Fallen One also having to contend with The Cursed Grove and The Abyssal Plain – we have guides for those DLCs on this very site. The House of Grief and Hatred can be accessed from the eastmost Prie-Dieu in the Grilles and Ruin region. Once you’re in the DLC, you’ll be able to get the Blasphemous 2 Tirso Altarpiece of Favour and The Thirst Altarpiece, along with an extra Bile Flask. Here’s where to find every reward in the House of Grief and Hatred.

Blasphemous 2 House of Grief and Hatred rewards

The first Daughter and Candle room is in the Grilles and Ruin region. To reach it, you’ll need to take advantage of the shortcuts and ladders in the Elevated Temples dungeon to make your way up to the top of the tower.

After you complete the first Battle Challenge, you’ll be rewarded with the Tirso Altarpiece of Favour, increasing your Damage Output by 10%.

The second Daughter and Candle room can be found in the Elevated Temples dungeon, as we just mentioned. You’ll want to take the shortcuts and ladders again to reach the top of the tower, but this time, you’re looking for the Daughter on the east side of the dungeon, next to an altar.

The second Battle Challenge requires you to defeat a horde of enemies within a time limit. If you consume a Bile Flask at any point, The Thirst Altarpiece will be activated, increasing your Damage Output by 20% until the effect wears off.

The third Daughter and Candle room is in the northeastern Crown of Towers dungeon. To reach it, you’ll need to use the Mercy of the Wind Ability to float and cross the gaps to the east of the dungeon.

The third Battle Challenge requires you to defeat all waves in the dungeon in order to obtain an Empty Receptacle. Take it to the altar in the dungeon, and then use the ability that you obtain from the Daughter to exchange it for an additional Bile Flask.

The fourth Daughter and Candle room is in the Basilica of Absent Faces dungeon. To get to this area, you’ll want to take the shortcut from the western entrance to the Crown of Towers dungeon. You’ll then be able to use the Mercy of the Wind Ability to reach the far eastern side of the dungeon.

Defeat all waves in the fourth Battle Challenge to obtain the Ornate Chalice, which increases your Maximum Health by +30.

Finally, the final Daughter and Candle room is in the Sunken Cathedral dungeon. To reach it, you’ll want to use The Severed Tower dungeon to get on top of the cathedral, then float across to the west side using Mercy of the Wind.

The fifth and final Battle Challenge in the House of Grief and Hatred requires you to defeat all waves in the Sunken Cathedral dungeon. For doing this, you’ll be rewarded with the Lebeche Altarpiece of Favour, increasing your Critical Chance by 10%.

The Lebeche Altarpiece is one of the four needed for the game’s ‘true’ ending, but you’ll be able to obtain all other rewards multiple times even if you don’t reach the game’s final sequence. That said, our Blasphemous 2 review suggests that it’s well worth playing through the entire game again before you set your sights on the DLC.

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