Blasphemous 2: Unlock all movement abilities

Discover how to unlock all the movement abilities in Blasphemous 2, including dashing, sliding, wall clinging, and more.

Blasphemous 2: Unlock all movement abilities
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

How to Unlock All Movement Abilities in Blasphemous 2

Want to know how to unlock all of the movement abilities in Blasphemous 2? As The Penitent One, you start out with basic movement abilities but will gain new ones as you explore each of the game’s many dungeons. Some are found naturally, while others are tied to items, but each one lets you traverse the landscape in new and interesting ways.

While the first Blasphemous game focused on combat abilities, Blasphemous 2 has a wide variety of movement abilities that are necessary for exploring the many unique environments in the game. Some are necessary for progressing, while others are just for fun. But if you want to dash through the air with Scions’ Protection or wall cling to reach new areas, you’ll need to find the movement-related items first. To help you get around, here is a guide to all of the movement abilities in Blasphemous 2.

How to Get All Movement Abilities in Blasphemous 2

To reach Profundo Lamento, head right from the City of the Blessed Name and fall down the chasm. You’ll land right by the first statue, which grants wall clinging.

Here are all of the movement abilities:

  • Ruego Al Alba: Obtained by praying at the statue near the Cathedral of Absent Faces. Enables a ground slam attack that can break certain walls.
  • Sarmiento & Centella: Comes with the warp ability, allowing you to warp forward by striking statues with mirrors.
  • Veredicto: Can summon platforms or destroy walls with a sound wave. All three weapons are needed to unlock the double jump ability.

How to Find the Passage of Ash

To find the Passage of Ash for double jump, go to Beneath Her Sacred Grounds, the area with giant legs. From the Chapel of the Five Doves, head left, then take the path on the other side of the giant mouth. There’s a giant tree here you can jump up to find the chest.

You need to defeat bosses Radamés, Lesmes, and Orospina to unlock double jump. Defeating the bosses also lowers the massive city in the sky, giving you access to more areas.

To reach the Crown of Towers, head to the Chapel of the Five Doves in the Elevated Temples area. Air dash through the ghostly chains to progress.

In the Crown of Towers, use Veredicto to destroy the crystals on one side of the room. This creates a platform you can jump to. From there, dash forward to land on the area with the Mercy of the Wind ability.

To access the Sunken Cathedral, defeat Benedicta and Odón, then head to the Chapel of the Five Doves. There’s a Synth Sphere you can use to make a platform.

In the Sunken Cathedral, make your way to the top, then air dash through the ghostly chains to reach the Chapel of the Quiet Repose.

Reach The Severed Tower to find the final movement ability, Scions’ Protection.

That’s how to unlock all of Blasphemous 2’s movement abilities. For general tips on how to survive the hellish world, check out our Blasphemous 2 review. We also have a Blasphemous 2 wiki if you’re looking for specific locations, among other guides.

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