Blasphemous 2: Empty Receptacle Locations

Find every Empty Receptacle in Blasphemous 2 to boost your healing capabilities.

Blasphemous 2: Empty Receptacle Locations
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Blasphemous 2 Empty Receptacle Locations

Want to know where to find all the Blasphemous 2 Empty Receptacles? These containers are vital for healing flasks. The blasphemous world of Ivrea demands challenging encounters, but upgrading your healing properties is a must for survival.

Despite the title, you won’t have to go through the gory process of harvesting receptacles in Blasphemous 2. Instead, you’ll find Empty Receptacles in specific locations, and you need to bring them to the Blood Upgrade lady. Enhance the potency and quantity of your flasks to endure the treacherous journey.

First, you’ll get an Empty Receptacle in the Profundo Lamento region. Defeat enemies to acquire the container. Bring it to the Blood Upgrade lady in the City of the Blessed Name. She’ll reward you with a Blood Vial.

The second Empty Receptacle is in the Elevated Temples dungeon. You can access it through the northwest Prie-Dieu. Use your Ivy of Ascension Ability to reach a Mirror and obtain the receptacle. Bring it back to the Blood Upgrade lady for another Blood Vial.

You’ll be able to obtain the third Empty Receptacle by completing the third Battle Challenge in the Streets of Wakes. You need to find three Bedridden Sisters/Candles.

Once you’ve found them, find three corresponding spots and succeed in all three challenges. Then, take the receptacle to the room beside the Prie-Dieu in the Streets of Wakes. Return to the Blood Upgrade lady for an additional Blood Vial.

In The Severed Tower dungeon, you’ll be able to use the Scions’ Protection Ability to acquire the fourth Empty Receptacle. This one is a bit tricky as you need to defeat waves of enemies to obtain it. Bring it to the Blood Upgrade lady to get a Blood Flask boost.

That’s all there is to it. Keep in mind that Blasphemous 2’s Empty Receptacles are just one type of collectible in the game. You can also find Blasphemous 2 Reliquaries and Obscenities, among others. If you’re looking for a different type of challenge, read up on the Blasphemous 2 bosses.

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