D&D 5e Circle of Stars Druid – Guide and Review

The D&D 5e Circle of Stars Druid is a highly regarded subclass, efficiently leveraging the action economy to allow for multiple actions in combat.

D&D 5e Circle of Stars Druid – Guide and Review
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Choosing a species with a Wisdom score bonus is ideal for this subclass, as it grants a strong action economy particularly in combat.

The Circle of Stars Druid is a strong choice for players who enjoy impactful actions, as they can take advantage of their full suite of spells while also engaging in melee.

The Circle of Stars Druid’s primary features include the starry form, which allows ranged attacks or healing using the bonus action, and the dragon constellation, which offers a minimum roll of 10 on Intelligence or Wisdom checks. Other features include the Cosmic Omen, which allows the use of a d6 to subtract from an opponent’s roll or add to an ally’s roll, and the Guidance cantrip and Guiding Bolt spell.

This subclass also offers strong skill proficiencies in Arcana and Nature. Choosing a species with strong intelligence and wisdom bonuses, such as the Kalashtar, is helpful for the bonuses from the dragon constellation. Prioritising Wisdom and Constitution is crucial, as Wisdom is the spellcasting ability and Constitution helps maintain concentration. Intelligence and Dexterity should also be considered, while Strength and Charisma are typically not important for Druids.

War Caster or Resilient (Constitution) should be the first feat chosen to enhance concentration checks. Maximizing Wisdom to 20 should be a priority, and other feats can be considered at level 8.

Circle of Stars Druid subraces

Here are some recommended subraces for the Circle of Stars Druid:

Circle of Stars Druid feats

Here are some recommended feats for the Circle of Stars Druid:

Level 8 feats are typically the best choice for a level 8 character, as they grant additional abilities that can impact the game.

Circle of Stars Druid spells

The Circle of Stars Druid’s subclass features add additional spellcasting to the Druid’s already impressive action economy. Guidance and Guiding Bolt are recommended spells, as they are consistent damage spells that won’t rely on attack rolls. Other Druid spells are also useful, particularly Animal Friendship, Charm Person, and healing spells.

Concentration spells like Faerie Fire, Entangle, Heat Metal, and Hold Person are also effective. It’s important to note that Conjure Animals is a powerful spell, but it may be banned or modified due to game pacing issues.

Here are some recommended spells for preparation:

And there you have it: the best D&D 5e Circle of Stars Druid.

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