Diablo 4 Strongholds: Unlocking the Toughest Challenges
Want to know where all the Diablo 4 stronghold locations are? These mini open world dungeons are essential for exploring the vast open world of Diablo 4. Not only do they offer challenging gameplay, but they also reward you with banners that confer various benefits, such as additional gold or experience earned, and faster travel options.
Diablo 4 Stronghold Locations
There are a total of 15 strongholds in Diablo 4, divided by region. Here is a breakdown of each stronghold location:
Malnok Stronghold
The first stronghold, Malnok, is situated just east of Kyovashad in the Dreshdae zone. It is south of the Bear Tribe Refuge and offers a nearby Waypoint for faster travel.
Nostrava Stronghold
The second stronghold, Nostrava, is located southwest of Kyovashad and north of the Nevesk Waypoint. It is close to the Sanitarium in the Endless Desert.
Kor Dragan Stronghold
Kor Dragan is a large stronghold northeast of Menestad in the Sarkova Pass. The fastest route is via the Torunyal passage, which can be reached through the Nameless Tower Waypoint.
Scosglen Strongholds
In the west region of Scosglen, you'll find the Túr Dúlra Stronghold near the Deep Forest. The Onyx Watchtower Stronghold is located in the center of the Dry Steppes region, inside the Khargai Crags area.
Shrouded Moors Strongholds
In the Shrouded Moors, you'll find the Onyx Watchtower Stronghold west of the Corbach Waypoint. The Moordaine Lodge Stronghold is located on a small island at the northernmost point of Scosglen, close to the Marowen Waypoint.
Untamed Scarps Strongholds
The Temple of Rot is situated between Alzuuda in the Fields of Hatred and Jirandai in the Untamed Scarps. The Ruins of Qara-Yisu can be found in the Accursed Wastes area.
Kehjistan Strongholds
The Altar of Ruin Stronghold is near the Amber Sands area, south of the Alzuuda Waypoint. Omath's Redoubt is southwest of Denshar, near the Fields of Hatred in Kehjistan.
Denshar Strongholds
Omath's Redoubt can be found southwest of Denshar in the Fields of Hatred. The Crusaders' Monument Stronghold is located north of Zarbinzet or southwest of Wejinhani.
Zarbinzet Strongholds
The Crusaders' Monument Stronghold is north of Zarbinzet in the Fields of Hatred. Eriman's Pyre Stronghold is situated at the top of the Hawezar map, west of the Tree of Whispers.
Hawezar Strongholds
Eriman's Pyre Stronghold is located at the top of the Hawezar map, in the area known as the Tree of Whispers. The Crusaders' Monument Stronghold can be found in the northeast corner of Hawezar, in the Toxic Fens area. The Vyeresz Stronghold is in the southeast corner of Hawezar, also in the Toxic Fens area.
These are all the stronghold locations in Diablo 4's open world. Explore each one to unlock the toughest challenges and reap the rewards. For more on what's new in Diablo 4, check out our Diablo 4 season pass guide.