Diablo 4 Dry Steppes map and Legendary Aspects locations

Discover all the Legendary Aspects in the Dry Steppes in Diablo 4 and learn where to find them.

Diablo 4 Dry Steppes map and Legendary Aspects locations
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Dry Steppes

The Dry Steppes are located in western Sanctuary, adjacent to the Farthest Reach and the Landsward, and encompass some of the most varied landscapes in the game. There are entire canyons, vast salt flats, and treacherous coasts as far as the eye can see, so players will need a map to help them find all the dungeons.

The Dry Steppes are just one of the many regions that players will visit on their journey to stop Belath the Beast-Slayer. Along with the Salt Desert and Sanctuary Desert, the Dry Steppes form the Desert Terrain set, and players will find a full list of their dungeons in the table below. There are a total of 21 Dry Steppes dungeons, so players will need every map and guide they can find.

Diablo 4 Dry Steppes Map

Here's a map of every dungeon in the Dry Steppes, along with the Legendary Aspect that can be found within and instructions on how to get there.

As seen from the map above, there are a lot of dungeons to discover in Diablo 4. And, then there's all the ones in Sanctuary Desert, too, which takes the Dry Steppes' total dungeon tally to more than 30. Players will be hard pressed to miss them, but if they do find themselves getting lost, here's how to unlock the Fast Travel feature early in Diablo 4.

Dry Steppes Legendary Aspects

Each of the Dry Steppes' dungeons has a Legendary Aspect to discover and fuse with gear to make it truly legendary. Here's a table featuring all 21 Dry Steppes dungeons, with the number, name, Legendary Aspect, area, and directions to find them.

That's it for the Diablo 4 Dry Steppes and its many dungeons. If players are looking for some extra help in the RPG game, here are our picks of the best Diablo 4 classes, as well as our guide to the Diablo 4 build, which has evolved a lot since the last time we checked in with America's favourite satanic slaying simulator.

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