Diablo 4 has a secret Diablo 3 town from the first act
The Diablo 4 launch has proved to be filled with callbacks and Easter eggs, and one hidden camp from the first Diablo 3 act has been found by players.

Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago
The Diablo series has a reputation for putting Easter eggs and cagy callbacks to previous entries in the series into its newest games. In Diablo 4, there are already several opportunities to spot small comments, hints, and location names that nod towards previous Diablo games. One of the most recent discoveries is a location in the online game called ‘The Hidden Camp’. While seeming innocuous, there’s strong evidence to suggest that this camp was used by travellers in Natah during The Reaper of Souls. If that’s true, the ruins of the town in which this camp sits must be located somewhere.
The video below shows evidence of the passage of time – causing the camp to show significant signs of wear and tear. The discovery was shared on the Diablo 4 subreddit by Redditor Fearlessmojo, and it also shares an image of the camp’s map location. Unfortunately, other than the above video, Fearlessmojo hasn’t shared any other information about the camp.
It has certainly got players speculating, particularly when combined with the Diablo 2 secret cow level. While there were rumors about a hidden secret cow level in the original Diablo, those turned out to be false. Diablo 2, however, did make use of its Moo Moo Farm.
When asked whether a “cow level” awaited players in Diablo 4, Diablo 4 Game Master Rod Fergusson replied, “No! But give me time.” That’s technically not a confirmation, so we’ll have to wait and see if there’s anything cow-related in Diablo 4. If there’s not, one thing’s for sure – it definitely won’t be a goat level.