Have you ever bought a console for a single game?

Gamers share their stories about buying a console for a single game. Find out why a good game can inspire people to try something new.

Have you ever bought a console for a single game?
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Have you ever bought a console for a single game? I’ve owned so many Nintendo consoles just for Zelda stuff. What did you buy and why?

We all have different stories when it comes to buying consoles.

Some of us have been around since the early days of gaming and have owned almost everything, while others are more recent converts who have only owned one or two systems. No matter who you are, we all have our crazy stories about what drove us to buy a particular console.

In this funny Ask Reddit thread, you’ll find gamers sharing their stories about buying a particular console for a single game. Some of these stories are really touching, and it’s amazing to see how powerful a good game can be in inspiring people to try something new.

“Xbox 360 for MW2. Was worth every penny and I wish I could go back and experience that era again.”

“Played all fromsoft games in a row on PC and wanted to play Bloodborne as well. I quit after 20 seconds of walking around due to the performance. This game deserves to be played 60fps. I’ll wait 10 years if I have to.”

“PlayStation 1 – Final Fantasy VII.”

“Selected PS3 over Xbox 360 for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XIII, lol. Worked out, because I fell in love with TLOU, Uncharted, MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, inFamous, God of War III, etc.”

“Honestly, this was me. I had been out of the console market for a good four years or so before BotW came out. I had a WiiU but it never really impressed me and I had more or less given up on Nintendo during the Wii U years. But I had played Zelda games since Ocarina of Time on N64, and BotW was so big that I knew I had to own a Nintendo console for it. I did a lot of research and decided on Switch, and that was my first console in about 20 years.

“I didn’t even know what it was until i saw botw commercials. I thought it was an update to botw at first.”

“GameCube for Twilight Princess!”

“I bought a series S for starfield. Then I got worried that the S wouldn’t be able to play it well so I got an X. I’m smart.”

“PlayStation 1 – Final Fantasy VII.”

“I really wanted to play Fire Emblem games.”

“I bought a Switch for BotW. I hadn’t played a Zelda game since Majora’s Mask and I had never owned a Nintendo console but I needed that one.”

“Xbox 360 for MW2. Was worth every penny and I wish I could go back and experience that era again.”

“I did the same as I love Zelda. But I never really liked botw. I did love mario oddysey though. That’s where my switch adventure ended. In my opinion it was a very disappointing console with great potential that suffered from its predecessors failure.”

“I bought a series S for starfield. Then I got worried that the S wouldn’t be able to play it well so I got an X. I’m smart.”

“Gamecube because of Metroid Prime.”

“Same but for FF7R-2.”

“I really wanted to play Fire Emblem games.”

“I’m going to buy whatever plays fable.”

“Bought a PS2 for Tactics Ogre.”

“I didn’t even know what it was until i saw botw commercials. I thought it was an update to botw at first.”

“PS2 – Final Fantasy X.”

“I really wanted to play Fire Emblem games.”

“I bought PlayStation 1 for Final Fantasy 7.”

“I bought a Switch for BotW. I hadn’t played a Zelda game since Majora’s Mask and I had never owned a Nintendo console but I needed that one.”

“Wii U for Splatoon.”

“I built a PC for No Mans Sky on release. Not a great intro to pc gaming.”

“Played all fromsoft games in a row on PC and wanted to play Bloodborne as well. I quit after 20 seconds of walking around due to the performance. This game deserves to be played 60fps. I’ll wait 10 years if I have to.”

“Same but for Persona 5.”

“Same but for FF7R-2.”

“I bought PlayStation 1 for Final Fantasy 7.”

“Wii U for Splatoon.”

“I built a PC for No Mans Sky on release. Not a great intro to pc gaming.”

“Xbox 360 for MW2. Was worth every penny and I wish I could go back and experience that era again.”

“Selected PS3 over Xbox 360 for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XIII, lol. Worked out, because I fell in love with TLOU, Uncharted, MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, inFamous, God of War III, etc.”

“I bought a series S for starfield. Then I got worried that the S wouldn’t be able to play it well so I got an X. I’m smart.”

“Same but for Persona 5.”

“Same but for FF7R-2.”

“I bought a series S for starfield. Then I got worried that the S wouldn’t be able to play

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