These gamertags are so OG, they’re actually cool again

Gamers share their stories of the gamertags they made as kids and still proudly use, from classics like "SniperTurtle" to some that are cringey.

These gamertags are so OG, they’re actually cool again
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Want to know what your fellow gamers are using for gamertags?

These folks share their favorites and tell funny stories of the gamertags they made as kids. Some have kept their gamertags since the days of the original Xbox, while others like “KonkeyDong” happily admit it’s a classic. We’re also treated to some funny kill messages as well.

“KonkeyDong” admits that the gamertag is “a little cringey,” but it’s a classic, and it’s the gamertag that got him over 100 friends on Xbox Live. He also says he’s surprised it hasn’t been banned.

“I had a friend who was a little bit racist,” one user shares. “We were 12, so I guess it was a thing. He was friends with a person named ‘Nigger,’ and I was shocked.” The user was surprised when they found out their friend had the gamertag “Ass2meowth” and that it hasn’t been banned yet.

“I had gamertags like ‘Grasstomouth’ and ‘Homoeroticism’ as a kid and never got in trouble,” another user admits. Still, they suggest some alternative versions of the gamertag to keep it safe.

“I have gamertags like ‘slowchu’ since Pokémon Red, and I think it’s cute,” one user shares. “I’ve never had any issues with it.” Another user shares their experience using the gamertag “Assyrian_King” since Halo 2.

Check out some of the other gamertags below and the stories behind them:

There are some great funny stories in the thread, but there are also some touching ones as well. If you want to see even more gamertags, check out the thread here on Reddit.

If you’re a particularly simple person and prefer your gamertag to be just your name, you might be jealous that these folks have the plain text gamertags with their first names. The thread also gives us a look at some OG or pure gamertags that are seen as cool among a group of Halo players.

Not everyone has a simple gamertag though, and some are cringey as heck, but that’s part of the fun. You’ll also see some amusing kill messages from people with gamertags like “UnknownPlayer” or “SomeOneYouKnow” for various reasons.

The thread takes a humorous turn with gamertags like “Batpiss,” “ManAss,” and “AnalRaindance.” It also asks the question, “What is more cringe, adding ‘x’ to your gamertag, or adding ‘x’ to your gamertag?” So many great stories and memories here, it’s almost like you’re back in the early 2000s again playing games online on the original Xbox.

Gamertag stories

Here are some of the more popular gamertags and the stories behind them:

You can see many more examples of common gamertags like “Xx-sniperwolf420_69xx” and “Jeffiroth” in the thread. If you’re curious about the popularity of names like Legolas and AgentOrange, check out this article on the best Halo 5 multiplayer names.

Of course, there are also some funny debates about the safety and implications of the gamertag “AgentOrange,” which was actually one of the most popular gamertags in the early 2000s. It’s also interesting to see other users with similar gamertags or the wild times of Xbox Live in the early 2000s for young gamers.

If you’re reminiscing about the good old days of online gaming, then take a look at some of the best classic PC Games and classics like Grand Theft Auto V that you can still enjoy today.

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