What video game set the bar high?

Youtubers at Yacht Club Games reveal the game that changed their view of other games

What video game set the bar high?
Published by José @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

What video game changed the way you look at other games? We all have that one game that blew our minds, that set the bar so high that it effectively ruined other games at the time. This question invited the Youtubers at Yacht Club Games to reflect on this, with some interesting answers.

The Youtubers at Yacht Club Games

The Youtubers at Yacht Club Games are responsible for the excellent Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls, so it’s no surprise that many of their answers are from the world of 2D platformers. However, there’s a bit of everything, from RPGs, FPS games, and even strategy games.

Mario 64

“I’m going to go with Mario 64, I think that set the bar for every 3D game that followed it.”

“Yeah, it’s hard to beat Mario 64.”

“Mario 64, that set the bar too high.”

“Mario 64, no question. I mean, it’s not my favourite Mario game but it just changed everything.”

“I’m going to go with Super Mario 64.”

“I’m going to go with Mario 64.”

Mass Effect 2

“I’m going to go with Mass Effect 2.”

Handsome Jack

“I’m gonna go with Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2.”

“Borderlands 2 Handsome Jack.”

“Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2, that set the bar so high that it effectively ruined other Borderlands games for some people.”

The original Crysis

“The first Crysis, I never thought it was possible to be as smooth and immersive as that game was.”

“The original Crysis, that was just a whole new level of immersion.”

Halo, especially 3

“Halo 3, because it was just so good.”

“Halo 3, it was the first time that multiplayer really felt like a world.”

“Halo 3, it was just a perfect game.”

World of Warcraft

“World of Warcraft, it was kind of the beginning of the modern MMO.”

Mario 3

“Mario 3, that game just looked so good and played so well.”

The Last of Us 2 animations

“I’m really hoping that The Last of Us 2 is going to be up there.”

“Last of Us 2 animations are next level.”

Red Dead Redemption 2

“Red Dead Redemption 2, because I think it’s an incredibly well-made game.”

Cyberpunk 2077’s Nightcity

“I’m really excited for Cyberpunk, and I think that just the visual fidelity of the game, it looks so damn good.”

“I think Cyberpunk 2077, the Nightcity is just so damn impressive.”

Witcher 3 in narrative and characters

“I’m going to go with Witcher 3 in terms of narrative and characters as well.”

“I think Witcher 3, for narrative and characters.”

“I think Witcher 3 is the bar for open world games.”

Cyberpunk 2077 for social aspects and working with friends

“Cyberpunk 2077, I’m really excited for it. I think that social aspects and working with friends, it’s gonna change the way we play games, I think.”

“I think Cyberpunk 2077, social aspects and working with people.”

Civilization 6 for infinite amount of game time

“I think Civilization 6, the infinite amount of game time that you can put into that game.”


“Half-Life, it changed everything.”


“Starcraft changed everything.”

Ghost of Tsushima

“Ghost of Tsushima, I desperately wish I could take Tsushima’s combat and put it in like, The Witcher 3.”

Metal Gear Rising

“Metal Gear Rising, no other game has made me feel so COOL.”


“Doom, it changed everything.”

Persona 5, Nier Automata, Yakuza 0

“I think Persona 5, Nier Automata, Yakuza 0”

“I’m going to go with Persona 5, Nier Automata, and Yakuza 0.”

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Dark Souls

“I think Ocarina of Time and Dark Souls, they’re the ones that really changed the way I play games.”


“I’m going to go with Final Fantasy XIV, it’s ruined other MMOs for me.”

Factorio paved the way for recent ‘factory builders’

“I think Factorio paved the way for recent ‘factory builders’.”


“GTA 3, it changed everything.”

Check out the Yacht Club Games YouTube channel here, and their Twitter here.

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