Want to dual wield in Dungeons & Dragons? Sure, one weapon is great. But what's better than one weapon? One in each hand. Well, maybe not literally, but in the world of D&D, it's possible to wield two weapons at once.
This is just one example of the complexity of the game. Class abilities, race abilities, and feats can give you an edge in combat. Dual wielding in D&D is a bit of a feat in itself, literally. Here's what you need to know about wielding two weapons in the fabled tabletop game.
How to dual wield weapons in Dungeons & Dragons
The standard method of dual wielding in Dungeons & Dragons is known as Two-Weapon Fighting. It's the most straightforward mechanic in the game and available to all characters with light weapons and a strength requirement.
When you use the Two-Weapon Fighting action, you gain one additional attack with your off-hand weapon, which is affected by your ability modifier if it's negative. The off-hand weapon doesn't benefit from abilities or feats that grant extra attacks.
The limitation with Two-Weapon Fighting is that you have to sacrifice your Bonus Action, limiting your overall versatility. If you're looking for more advanced options, the Dual Wielder feat is for you.
Any character can pick up the Dual Wielder feat, but you still have to use your Bonus Action to gain the additional attack. The big benefit is that you no longer sacrifice your ability to perform other actions such as casting a spell or making an attack with a different weapon. As a result, dual wielder is best suited for DPS builds, especially if you're a Fighter who gets extra attacks and can use the Extra Attack feature.
Barbarians can also benefit from dual wielding with their high health and the AC bonus from Unarmored Defense. Rogues can spread out powerful strikes, dealing additional damage and benefiting from the AC boost.
Dual wielding isn't for everyone though. If you're playing a ranged character, it's best not to dual wield. Likewise, if you're a magic-wielder, you'll likely have enough options to cover any situation and you probably won't need to dual wield.
Unleash your inner warrior and master the art of wielding two weapons in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. With the right equipment and the right class, you can become a formidable dual-wielding character in your next D&D campaign. Just be careful of the monsters that stand in your way – dual wielding is great, but there's always a chance you could get disarmed.