Genshin Impact Relic Records event guide

Explore the Genshin Impact Relic Records: Creations Of The Hydro Nation event in Fontaine and earn exciting rewards along the way.

Genshin Impact Relic Records event guide
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Genshin Impact Relic Records: Creations Of The Hydro Nation

The Genshin Impact Relic Records: Creations Of The Hydro Nation event introduces a new limited-time event in Genshin Impact. This event takes place in the newly expanded nation of Fontaine, introducing various new characters and rewarding you with various rewards, including Primogems.

The event begins as you learn about the history of Fontaine and the Hydro Nation. As you continue to progress, you’ll be tasked with various activities, including foraging for flowers and defeating normal and tough mobs. You can complete the whole event in a few days, but it’s still worth your time since you’ll earn a lot of rewards along the way.

The Genshin Impact Relic Records: Creations Of The Hydro Nation event

The Genshin Impact Relic Records: Creations Of The Hydro Nation event begins when you speak to Dorlaine in the Fontaine Court. This event has multiple parts, each with different rewards. You can choose to complete them in any order, but if you don’t have enough time to complete the whole event, it’s best to focus on a single part to get the best rewards.

Flower foraging

This first part of the event requires you to forage for different flowers found in specific locations in Fontaine. You can find Marcotte Flowers near Marcotte Station, Rainbow Roses in the city or the Fountain of Lucine, and Lumidouce Bells north of the Court of Fontaine.

Defeat normal enemies

This second part of the event is much simpler as you’re tasked with defeating normal mobs, including Clockwork Mekas and Fontemer Aberrants. You can find these enemies in various locations, both on land and underwater.

Underwater foraging

This third part of the event requires you to complete underwater foraging. You’ll need to collect Tidalgas and Beryl Conches. Tidalgas can be found northwest of the Pale Forgotten Glory domain, while Beryl Conches are often found near sunken structures. You can also find Romaritime flowers underwater or on the shore near the Denouement of Sin domain.

Defeat tougher mobs

This fourth part of the event requires you to defeat tougher mobs, including Tainted Hydro Phantasms and Breacher Primus. Tainted Hydro Phantasms can be found around Romaritime Harbor, while Breacher Primus can be found in Elynas.

Fight the Icewind Suite

During this fifth part of the event, you’ll need to fight the Icewind Suite performances. There are three different ones, with Coppelia and Coppelius having different attack patterns. You’ll need specific units to counter the abilities of Coppelia and Coppelius during the performances.

Defeat the Emperor of Fire and Iron

Finally, this part of the event requires you to defeat the Emperor of Fire and Iron, Twin Molten Horns. To reach the boss, you’ll need to dive south in the Elton Trench area. You can either use ranged attacks or wait for the boss to surface to deal melee damage.

That’s it, you’ve completed the Genshin Impact Relic Records: Creations Of The Hydro Nation event. Completing each part of the event grants you Primogems, along with other rewards like Mora, Hero’s Wit, weapon ascension materials, and Mystic Enhancement Ores.

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