The most shocking Genshin Impact story quest moments

Discover the most shocking story quest moments in Genshin Impact, filled with surprises, deep lore, and unexpected twists.

The most shocking Genshin Impact story quest moments
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Genshin Impact: Shocking Story Quest Moments

Want to know about the most shocking story quest moments in Genshin Impact? Venti’s first quest, ‘The Truth About My Father’, is where you’ll uncover a shocking truth about a lying character, while Kaeya’s treasure hunt turns out to be a clever scheme in disguise. We’ve collected a few of the game’s most surprising, lore-heavy surprises and unexpected twists to date.

Venti’s Quest: The Truth About My Father

Venti’s first story quest in Genshin Impact has the unfortunate side effect of making you feel bad for doubting her father, who has been lying to her all her life. You’ll follow Venti as she tracks her missing father through the forest, only to find him lying by a river, injured. After a tense exchange about his reasons for lying, Venti’s father turns into a demon, begging you to slay him. It’s an emotionally charged scene that adds serious gravity to Venti’s story, and it’s a great way to kick off your time with the game.

As soon as you finish Venti’s story, you’ll be able to begin the next chapter of the Genshin Impact questline. Venti will be teaching Kaeya some sword techniques when a thief interrupts their training to steal some treasure. The ensuing chase leads to a surprising twist, as the treasure ends up being a trap set by a former friend of Kaeya’s. All three characters have a part to play in this eventful story, but it’s Kaeya’s reaction that really makes this quest stand out.

This story quest culminates in an unexpected outcome: Kaeya is shocked to learn that the treasure was a cleverly laid trap, and her former friend isn’t quite the person she remembers. The player can choose whether or not to force a confession out of the thief, but either way, Kaeya’s treasure hunt ends up revealing a lot more than she expected.

Yoimiya’s Quest: The Aranara’s Song

Genshin Impact’s second story quest sees Yoimiya investigating the existence of the aranara, a powerful creature living in the forest that feeds on human emotions. As you might expect, Yoimiya’s investigation turns out to be a lot more pleasant than expected, as her interactions with the aranara result in unexpected warmth and joy.

This story quest takes an even more unexpected turn as you learn about the aranara’s true nature, and their effect on Yoimiya’s companion, Tartaglia. The aranara’s song doesn’t only serve to bring Yoimiya and Tartaglia closer together; it also has the ability to create memories from the past, which you’ll be able to relive during this quest. The aranara isn’t just a peaceful creature; they’re also capable of bringing joy to those who interact with them, and Tartaglia learns this lesson the hard way.

The Truth Behind the Dendro Dragon

Genshin Impact’s sixth story quest, ‘The Truth Behind the Dendro Dragon’, is quite a different kettle of fish to the first five quests. This story starts off fairly typically, as Venti and Albedo investigate a series of mysterious disappearances. It’s not long before the investigation takes a slightly darker turn, as Venti discovers a clue that points to the existence of a dendro dragon.

Dendro dragons are incredibly powerful creatures that only appear in times of great need. Venti’s clue suggests that the world may be in grave danger, and she’s determined to uncover the truth. This quest has the potential to take you on a wild goose chase, as venturing into the forest could lead to your demise at the hands of a dendro dragon. However, you’re able to avoid this fate by listening to Albedo’s advice.

Genshin Impact’s second story quest also has a mind-bending element, as Venti’s investigation into the dendro dragon ends up taking her back in time. At first, Venti appears to be alone in her time-travelling experience, but it soon transpires that Albedo is also aware of their surroundings, which raises more questions about his mysterious nature.

As Venti travels through time, she’ll come across a familiar face during a crucial battle. This character is the key to unraveling the mystery of the dendro dragon, but it’ll take Venti a while to accept the truth about her former comrade.

Zhongli’s Quest: The Truth Behind Havria’s Fate

In Azhdaha’s second story quest, ‘The Truth Behind Havria’s Fate’, Zhongli’s retelling of Havria’s fate creates a mind-bending experience for the player, as you’ll be forced to revisit memories that you’ve already experienced. Zhongli’s story will be familiar to those who played Genshin Impact on PC, as it’s a retelling of the events that occurred in the first game.

Zhongli’s story is a poignant one, as it recounts the tale of his friend, Havria. Zhongli’s relationship with Havria mirrors the bond between Albedo and Venti, as he’s forced to choose between friendship and destiny. Zhongli’s story also plays a key role in the Genshin Impact ending, as he’s the person responsible for sending Venti back in time, which ultimately leads to the events of the final Genshin Impact boss.

Zhongli’s Quest: The Unwelcome Guest

Uncover the slumbering dragon in Zhongli’s second story quest, 'The Unwelcome Guest'.

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