Guild Wars 2: Unlock Weaponmaster Training, Expanding Elite Specialization Weapons

Mix and match weapons with this new system, regardless of your Elite Specialization in Guild Wars 2, to expand your playstyle.

Guild Wars 2: Unlock Weaponmaster Training, Expanding Elite Specialization Weapons
Published by Liam @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Unlock Guild Wars 2: Weaponmaster Training

Need to know how to unlock Guild Wars 2: Weaponmaster Training? We’re going to explain this new system, as well as show you how to expand your Elite Specialization weapons thanks to the Secrets of the Obscure expansion.

Weaponmaster Training is a system introduced with the Secrets of the Obscure expansion, allowing you to mix and match weapons regardless of your Elite Specialization. Equip weapons like Torch, Warhorn, and Pistol for any class. No need to own associated expansions. Here’s how to unlock the Guild Wars 2: Weaponmaster Training and expand your Elite Specialization weapons.

How to unlock Guild Wars 2: Weaponmaster Training

To unlock Guild Wars 2: Weaponmaster Training, you need to own Secrets of the Obscure expansion and complete its third chapter. Once you do, speak to Frode in the Beacon of the Ages Command Center to unlock it account-wide.

How to expand Elite Specialization weapons in Guild Wars 2

Weaponmaster Training lets you equip weapons outside of your Elite Specialization, but Secrets of the Obscure allows you to expand your weapons too. Any weapon you find can be expanded beyond the first slot, allowing you to further customise your weapon choices.

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