Hearthstone Titans: New Powerful Minions
Hearthstone Titans are a new type of minion coming to the game with the War of the Ancients expansion. Titans are incredibly powerful cards that are essentially non-attackable characters that can only attack once per turn. Each class will get its own Hearthstone Titan card in the new set, meaning there will be a total of 12 different Hearthstone Titans to collect.
Titans: Powerful Abilities
Titans are a new minion type coming to Hearthstone. These colossal cards can’t attack on the turn you play them, but they have powerful abilities that you can use once per turn. These abilities can do anything from buff your other minions, to summon more Titans – which is where the name comes from, they’re Titans! Each class will get a different kind of Titan in the new expansion, which means there will be 12 different Hearthstone Titans in total. Here’s what you need to know about each one.
Hearthstone Titans Release Date
The Hearthstone War of the Ancients release date is May 6. The set has its own Standard rotation and will be playable in the following formats: Wild, Standard, and Arena.
Hearthstone Titans Abilities
Each Hearthstone Titan has three unique abilities that you can use once per turn. These abilities can be very powerful, but they do mean that you can’t attack with the Titan on the same turn that you play it.
Here are all the Hearthstone Titans:
Khaz’goroth is a very versatile Titan, with some powerful abilities that can help you in a variety of situations. His abilities allow you to buff your other minions, summon Taunt minions, and deal damage to enemy minions – meaning he can be played in a lot of different deck types. However, compared to other Titans, Khaz’goroth comes up a little short in terms of power.
Norgannon is a very powerful Titan that can spiral out of control if you allow it to ramp up. The only reason it isn’t higher on our list is that it can be tough to get the cards you need to activate these abilities. If you can, however, you’ll be able to summon multiple Taunt minions to protect your life total and your other minions, and buff your minions to absurd levels.
Amitus is a very solid midrange card that works well with a wide board of other minions. His abilities are all about buffing your other minions and allowing you to deal damage to the enemy Hero, making him a solid choice for any midrange or control deck.
Argus is a collection of abilities that are useful in different situations, not a single card that excels in one specific deck type. He’s a good midrange-focused Titan that can be played in a deck that runs a variety of different minions, with the option to buff them depending on the situation.
Sargeras is a viable Warlock card. His abilities shut down aggro decks that rely on flooding the board with cheap minions, making him a solid choice for a control Warlock player.
The Primus
The Primus is easily the best control option available in the War of the Ancients expansion, with the ability to disrupt your opponent’s strategy in a number of ways. It can be tough to get the full value out of this card, but if you can, it can be devastating for any deck that relies on summoning multiple minions per turn.
Aman’Thul is a valuable minion for Control Priest players, with the ability to defend your other minions and eliminate enemy threats. This is a very powerful defensive tool that is well worth the high cost of nine Mana.
Eonar is the most expensive Titan by quite a margin, but it’s hard not to see why. Her abilities are very impactful, especially the one that summons Taunt minions, which is one of the most valuable effects in Hearthstone. With the ability to cheat Mana thanks to her weapon, Eonar is a fantastic card for Control Paladin players.
V-07-TR-0N Prime
V-07-TR-0N Prime is obviously best when played alongside another minion, doubling its already considerable effectiveness. That makes this mech a fantastic addition to any deck that can support it, but particularly those that can summon multiple minions per turn.
Agramar is a strong Hunter minion with a powerful weapon that can help you deal a lot of damage. His abilities are all about dealing damage to the enemy Hero, making him a solid choice for any aggressive Hunter deck.
Golganneth is a bit of a mixed bag, with strong activated abilities that can cheat mana, but requires a second minion to be useful. This is another card that can be played in multiple deck types, but works best in decks that don’t rely on summoning multiple minions per turn.
Golganneth is also one of the cheapest Titans at just six mana, making him a solid choice for any deck that can support him.
That’s everything you need to know about Hearthstone’s Titans. If you’re looking for more Hearthstone wild decks, take a look at our Hearthstone tier list for the top decks right now, or perhaps you want to know all the changes coming to the game with the new expansion.