Every Hearthstone Hero Power: Ranked from Worst to Best
Want to know which of the Hearthstone Hero Powers are the strongest? Some are better than others, and these abilities define each class. These basic abilities are what make Hearthstone what it is, giving players something to do with their mana even when they don’t have particularly powerful cards to play.
The list of Hearthstone Hero Powers has grown over the years with the addition of each new class, but there are only 11 abilities that you’ll see in every game of the Free PC game. Some are more impactful than others, and the basic 11 are the most powerful since they are seen every game. However, there are some new and old Hero Powers that aren’t worth using, and others that you should prioritise using in your basic deck.
List of every Hero Power in Hearthstone:
The basic Hearthstone Hero Powers are the most impactful since they are seen every game. However, the power level of these abilities has been diminished by the addition of more powerful cards. Lesser Heal is useless if your health total is already high, and Druid’s Shapeshift is weak when you can simply play a better minion instead.
Reinforce used to be powerful, but it’s been outclassed by other options and card power creep. Totemic Call has changed recently, but the ability to summon two Mana Tide Totems for four mana is still strong due to support for the Totem Shaman deck. Armor Up is purely defensive, but accumulating armor over the course of multiple turns can help you control the game. Fireblast is great for finishing off one-health minions, especially for Mages that can conjure a Flame Elemental if Fireblast is saved. Demon Claws is great for its flexibility, but Shapeshift has a higher impact due to the fact that it’s a creature. Dagger Mastery is an investment that allows Rogues to save their weapon until they need it, but it doesn’t have the same impact as Shapeshift or Demon Claws.
Steady Shot is the only purely aggressive power, defining Hunter decks as aggro. Ghoul Charge is consistent damage that generates value for Death Knight decks.
Life Tap is incredibly strong despite its drawback because it guarantees card draw. In addition, Life Tap was considered for change, but no suitable replacement was found.
Due to the fact that Warlock cards have been weaker to compensate for the Life Tap strength, these Hero Powers are pretty good. The Demon weapons are a bonus that have been an incredible addition to the class.
The Druid Hero Power is the only mana-free ability, and it’s powerful because it turns into a creature that can attack and generate value. While Shapeshift has become weaker with recent card additions, it’s still powerful when you consider that Verdant Longcoat is a Druid Legendary that is a staple in the class.
Druid used to have a bad Hero Power, but Astral Communion is a game-changer and is the reason that Druid is one of the best classes in the game. Astral Communion has the potential to gain massive value and card advantage.
Mage has one of the best Hero Powers in the game because it generates two mana for one card use. Fireblast is great for removing two-health minions, even better for clearing the enemy hero.
Paladin’s Hero Power is great because it generates value and board control. It can be used to gain life, clear any minion, or summon Silver Hand Recruits.
Priest’s Hero Power is one of the best because it has flexibility and can generate a lot of value. It can either gain a lot of health to stabilize or generate a lot of mana to play larger cards.