LCS Doublelift says he’ll “definitely be back” in 2024

LCS Doublelift plans to return to the LCS in 2024 after missing Worlds this year.

LCS Doublelift says he’ll “definitely be back” in 2024
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

LCS Doublelift's Comeback in 2024

The prospect of seeing LCS Doublelift in action in 2024 is apparently not out of the question, if the superstar player’s comments on social media are to be believed. Despite not hitting the comeback year’s high note – failing to qualify for Worlds – LCS Doublelift says he’s “definitely” returning to the LCS next year.

The legendary League of Legends player and streamer has been absent from the LCS stage this year, due to a wrist injury sustained at the All-Stars Event. Despite not performing at his best, Doublelift says he’ll “definitely” be back to compete in 2024, and that his comeback year was “far from over.”

“Far from it,” he says. “2019 has been disappointing for sure, but I’m ready to come back stronger in 2020. And I’ll definitely be back to play in the LCS in 2024.”

Doublelift’s statement comes as something of a relief for League of Legends fans. While his return this year was a welcome sight, the former world champion’s performances left something to be desired. Nevertheless, his love for the game is as strong as ever, and his unwavering commitment to self-improvement will serve him well in the future.

Whether Doublelift will be able to hit Worlds next year remains to be seen, but his decision to double down on his commitment to the LCS reflects his unwavering love for the game and his desire to excel – regardless of the circumstances.

Doublelift’s return in 2024 will undoubtedly bring excitement and renewed energy to the League of Legends community, and his dedication to the LCS serves as an inspiration to aspiring professional players.

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