Pokemon Go glitch leaves trainer with “ghost account” after skipping tutorial

Pokemon Go bug leaves trainer with unusable account after skipping tutorial

Pokemon Go glitch leaves trainer with “ghost account” after skipping tutorial
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

A Pokemon Go bug leaves one trainer frustrated

A Pokemon Go bug has left one trainer frustrated and unable to fully enjoy the augmented reality mobile game after their account was essentially glitched following skipping through the tutorial. The story was reported by PC Game Spotlight, a popular gaming news website, though the trainer reached out to the publication for help.

“I don’t know if this is a bug or what but I can’t seem to access the game,” the trainer writes. “I just started the game and it skipped the tutorial. Now I can’t access most things and I can’t see my Pokemon either. I can’t even log out and back in. Please help!”

PC Game Spotlight contacted Niantic for comment, but the developer has not yet responded. Thankfully, the trainer provided screenshots of the issue. The trainer’s account is essentially a glitched version of their original account, making their entire progression inaccessible.

While this is certainly frustrating, it underscores the challenges developers face in maintaining bug-free games with millions of players. It also highlights the frustration players experience when issues like this arise.

Pokemon Go has had its fair share of bugs and glitches since its release in 2016. Niantic has been actively working to address these issues and improve the game’s performance. However, bugs like the one experienced here can still slip through the cracks.

Thankfully, this isn’t the first time stories of this nature have been reported. Players experiencing similar issues should report them to help developers fix them.

If you’re looking to get in on the action, be sure to check out our list of the best Pokemon Go breeds. You might also want to read up on the recent Pokemon Go Fest failures, or take a look at our guide on how to catch the rarest Pokemon in the game.

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