Pokemon Sleep brings Snorlax, and more, to your bed

Pokemon Sleep, the latest addition to the Pokemon franchise, is set to launch later this month, and will gamify your sleep habits in a big way.

Pokemon Sleep brings Snorlax, and more, to your bed
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Pokemon Sleep: Gamifying Your Sleep Habits

The Pokemon Sleep launch date is almost here, as the upcoming app from The Pokemon Company will add a Snorlax and plenty of Pokemon to your bedtime routine. That’s right, not only will you be encouraged to track your sleep, but there will be a real-life Snorlax waiting for you each night. If that wasn’t enough, The Pokemon Company has also gamified sleep tracking by making various aspects of your slumber dependent on catching specific Pokemon.

Pokemon Sleep, which is scheduled to release later this month, is the latest Pokemon-themed gamification of our lives, following in the footsteps of Pokemon Smile, which monitors your dental hygiene, and Pokemon Go, which tracks your steps.

In Pokemon Sleep, you’ll set up a camp filled with various comfort items and furniture, where your Snorlax companion will spend the night. Each night, various Pokemon will gather around your Snorlax, and their appearance is based on various sleep-tracking factors, such as your sleep duration and movement during the night.

Once your Snorlax is ready for the night, your Pokemon will bring various items to prepare and feed to your sleepy companion, with each food item having a different effect on your Pokemon’s stats. The Pokemon you’ll attract each night will be determined by your sleep habits, so if you’ve been sleeping well each night, expect a Pikachu to stop by.

If you’re worried about missing out on any of the adorable Pokemon that could be visiting your bed each night, fear not, as The Pokemon Company has already thought of a monetization angle. Each of the items you can use to prepare and feed to your Snorlax is purchasable, with real money used to make your Snorlax happy.

As someone who already uses a sleep app, I’m very excited to try out Pokemon Sleep and see which Pokemon are attracted to my camp. While I’m not sure if Pokemon will actually help me sleep, if they’re anything like the Pokemon ATM that dispenses real Diglets, I’ll be happy.

The Pokemon Company has clearly entered a gamification phase, with the expansion of Pokemon Smile into the world of dental hygiene being a clear sign of things to come. Now sleep is just the beginning, and I fully back The Pokemon Company’s quest to track every aspect of our lives.

Pokemon Sleep Invasion: Gamifying Our Lives

Pokemon Sleep, sleep tracking, and all the weird ideas

Get ready to embrace our Pokemon overlords and let them track every single thing we do, because who wouldn’t want more Pokemon in their lives?

Expect a Pokemon Sleep invasion, as The Pokemon Company takes over yet another aspect of our daily routines in a big way. With the release of Pokemon Sleep, we look at all the ways the franchise is gamifying our lives, from tracking steps in Pokemon Go to monitoring dental hygiene with Pokemon Smile.

Pokemon Sleep is just around the corner, and with it, The Pokemon Company will enter the realm of sleep tracking. While there are plenty of sleep apps out there already, having a Pokemon-themed one will undoubtedly convince millions of kids around the world to adopt it as their preferred sleep tracker.

The Pokemon Company has been gamifying various aspects of our lives, from tracking steps in Pokemon Go to monitoring dental hygiene with Pokemon Smile, and now it’s entering the realm of sleep tracking. I’m fully onboard with their quest to track every aspect of our lives, so I’ve put together a list of ideas that I hope they’ll one day integrate into various Pokemon apps.

So, get ready to catch ‘em all in your sleep and beyond, as we look at where Pokemon could gamify next:

Gamifying Eating Habits

A calorie counter that rewards you with Pokemon based on your food choices would be a great way to encourage kids to eat healthier options. Perhaps there could be an app that matches Pokemon with different types of food, encouraging kids to eat their Pokemon-themed food instead of the less healthy options.

Moving on to a more unconventional idea, how about an app that tracks bowel movements and rewards you with Pokemon based on frequency and duration? I don’t know what they call this in the Pokemon world, but I’ve always called it a ‘poop chart,’ so maybe there’s an opportunity for a poop-tracking app?

Gamifying Childcare

This is a big one, as there’s no way Pokemon can’t enter the childcare space. Imagine a free app filled with microtransactions to entertain and guide children, from nursery rhymes to fun games and activities. Imagine having an AR Pikachu that walks ahead of your child, ensuring their safety and preventing them from wandering into traffic, and when your child gets lost, they can use a Pokemon Go-style app to find Pikachu and make their way home.

Other ideas include a Pokemon app that judges cleanliness after a shower or one that makes chores feel like Pokemon are helping around the house. For those who struggle with staying awake at work, an app could detect when someone falls asleep at their desk and have a Loudred wake them up.

Those are just a few suggestions, but the possibilities are endless when it comes to integrating Pokemon into every aspect of our lives.

Sleep is just the beginning; the aim is to have everything gamified by Pokemon, from picking up kids from daycare to tracking bathroom breaks and mealtimes.

Again, Pokemon Sleep is just around the corner, so expect to be welcomed to a world of Pokemon soon.

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