Pokemon Sleep explained

Learn how to capture specific Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep using the Sleep Type system and manipulate it to catch sleepy Pokemon.

Pokemon Sleep explained
Published by Noah @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

How to Capture Specific Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

Are you wondering how to get a specific Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep? Aside from catching any Pokemon available during a given period, Pokemon Sleep offers a unique way to interact with Pokemon based on sleep patterns. Based on movement and noise data, the app analyzes your sleep session to determine your Sleep Type – and whether or not you’ll attract specific Pokemon around Snorlax.

What is the Pokemon Sleep Sleep Type?

The Sleep Type determines which Pokemon appear around Snorlax during your sleep session. The game analyzes movement and noise to determine whether you’re asleep, dozing, snoring, or making minimal noise – and thus which Sleep Type you’ll receive. To earn Sleep Research, your sleep session must last at least 90 minutes.

How to Get the Dozing Sleep Type in Pokemon Sleep

The Dozing Sleep Type is the easiest to achieve, as it occurs with movement and noise, excluding snoring. This means you can keep your phone nearby, and every so often make noises such as rustling, or tapping on the screen.

How to Get the Snoozing Sleep Type in Pokemon Sleep

To aim for the Snoozing Sleep Type, put your phone in sleep mode, and play snoring sounds from YouTube. You can keep your phone nearby while the sounds play, but you’ll need to ensure it can’t detect any movement.

How to Get the Slumbering Sleep Type in Pokemon Sleep

The Slumbering Sleep Type is given when there is minimal movement or noise. This means you can leave your phone in a drawer or cupboard to minimize detection. However, you’ll need to ensure it doesn’t fully disconnect from your WiFi network.

What is a Balanced Sleep Type in Pokemon Sleep?

The Balanced Sleep Type occurs when two Sleep Percentages are close. The Pokemon Sleep website explains that a Balanced Sleep Type allows for a 2 percent difference, meaning any Sleep Type Pokemon can appear.

How to Get a Balanced Sleep Type in Pokemon Sleep

The website’s advice for achieving a Balanced Sleep Type is to “play snoring sounds for half the allotted time, then switch them off later”. For example, if your allotted time is 90 minutes, you can play the sounds for 45 minutes, then turn them off for the remaining half an hour. However, this requires careful planning and experimentation, as you’ll need to determine which Sleep Type you aim for, and when to turn the snoring sounds off.

Does a Dominant Sleep Type Cancel Out Two Smaller Percentages for a Balanced Type?

According to the Pokemon Sleep website, “a dominant Sleep Type does not cancel out two smaller percentages for a Balanced Type”. For example, if you have a Sleep Type distribution of Dozing: 17 percent, Snoozing: 66 percent, and Slumbering: 17 percent, you can achieve a Balanced Sleep Type even if one percentage is significantly larger than the other two. As players experiment with different techniques, we’ll update this guide with more tips on how to achieve specific Sleep Types.

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