Stardew Valley: how to catch Rainbow Trout

Catch Rainbow Trout in Stardew Valley and learn where to find them and their benefits.

Stardew Valley: how to catch Rainbow Trout
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

Catch Rainbow Trout in Stardew Valley

Want to know how to catch Rainbow Trout in Stardew Valley? These adorable, rainbow-hued fish are some of the most elusive creatures in the game, but you’ll need to put in some effort to catch them. Thankfully, our guide provides you with tips, locations, and in-game benefits of catching these glittering fish to help you on your way.

Rainbow Trout are just one type of fish that you can catch in Stardew Valley. To begin with, you’ll need to meet some prerequisites, such as having a Fishing rod and reaching Fishing Level 2. Once you’re ready, you can start fishing in the river in Pelican Town and beyond. We’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to catch Rainbow Trout in Stardew Valley.

How to catch Rainbow Trout

You can catch Rainbow Trout in Stardew Valley by:

Rainbow Trout locations

There are multiple locations in Stardew Valley where you can find Rainbow Trout. The best time to catch them is during the fall or winter seasons in the game.

The river in Pelican Town is the most common location, but you may also find Rainbow Trout in the Forest Pond. If you’re looking for a wider array of fish, you may want to travel to the Calico Desert or the Crimson Forest.

Rainbow Trout tips and uses

Rainbow Trout can be used for multiple purposes in Stardew Valley. You can use them as bait or tackle to increase your chances of catching them successfully, or cook them into a delicious Fish Stew. While you can sell Rainbow Trout for a decent amount of gold, they are also a key ingredient in some cooking recipes, so you may want to use them for that purpose instead.

You’ll also need Rainbow Trout for quests, such as the “River Fish Bundle” in the Community Center. Finally, they’re a favorite gift for some characters in the game, so gifting them may improve your relationship with them.

Speaking of gifting, you can also choose to keep Rainbow Trout as a decorative item for your in-game aquarium. Interacting with the aquarium offers a selection of benefits, such as receiving rewards for completing ‘challenges’ and unlocking new fish species.

Rainbow Trout uses in Stardew Valley

Consuming Rainbow Trout as food restores both energy and health. They are also required to complete quests and can be gifted to characters to improve your relationship with them.

That’s all you need to know about catching Rainbow Trout in Stardew Valley. Fishing for these elusive fish offers a challenge and a rewarding experience, so we hope our tips will help you to master the art of catching them. Once you do, you’ll be ready to reap the benefits they offer – it’s all about finding the right location and using the right techniques, as one experienced player puts it. So, grab your fishing rod and get out there – it’s time to catch some Stardew Valley Rainbow Trout.

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