All Starfield companions and crewmates we’ve seen so far

Here’s who you can recruit to the Starfield crew, and why we think these characters will be essential to the success of the mission.

All Starfield companions and crewmates we’ve seen so far
Published by Mason @ PC Game Spotlight a year ago

Everyone wants to know about all the Starfield companions and crewmates there are right now. The Bethesda Direct has revealed that Starfield is going to be a very lonely game, so we know we won’t just be going it alone – hopefully they’ll keep us company while we take in the story and explore the universe.
Given the scale of the Starfield map, it’s likely that you’ll need a range of companions and crewmates to help you out when exploring and crafting in Starfield, and indeed, the Starfield Direct has already confirmed this. But what Starfield companions have we seen so far, and what skills do they bring to the table? Here are all the companions and crewmates we know about so far.
These characters all join you on your spaceship, so hopefully they’ll help fill up this new huge ship. In the Starfield Direct, Bethesda made it clear that Starfield will be a pretty lonely game, but that you won’t be short for help; they also stated that members can be assigned to specific outposts so they can carry out assignments remotely. Anything to get some distance between our silent protagonist and the freak dinosaur attack. We’re going to be adding to the list as more Starfield news comes out, so make sure you keep an eye on our Starfield guides if you’re looking to bone up on your space-traveling skills.
All Starfield companions and crewmates
Here’s every Starfield companion and crewmate we’ve seen so far, and a bit about them.
Sarah Morgan is the voice of Starfield’s trailers, and she’s also a soldier turned explorer and leader of the faction. That’s about all we know for now.
Barrett is the guy in the spacesuit seen in multiple Starfield trailers, and he seems to be a pretty experienced Constellation member. In the Starfield trailers, he gives advice on keeping himself safe, advising his leader in the best ways to succeed in their mission. Seeing as he’s already got experience in the field, it’s likely that he can offer plenty of advice to your gameplay, too.
Before Starfield, Sam Coe was a space cowboy that looked like he was a Freestar Collective member before joining the Constellation. He could be a descendant of a powerful Freestar family, though we currently have no way of proving this. Like Sarah Morgan, we know very little about Sam Coe, only that his love for the stars comes from a family of space explorers.
In the Starfield Direct, it has been confirmed that there are crew members apart from the main cast, and that these members might not be romanceable. We do not currently know anything about any of the other crew members, only that they might be on the ship with you. One crew member has been identified in the Akila Market, so there may be more than one of these friendly NPCs on board.
And that’s everything we know about Starfield companions and crewmates right now. Check back with us as we get closer to the release date, and make sure you keep an eye on our Starfield guides if you’re looking to bone up on your space-traveling skills.

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