The Sims 4 Astronaut career and branches explained

Learn about the lucrative Astronaut career in The Sims 4, including branches, skill requirements, and rewards.

The Sims 4 Astronaut career and branches explained
Published by Ethan @ PC Game Spotlight 2 years ago

The Sims 4 Astronaut Career

Want to know more about the Astronaut Career in The Sims 4? The space-based job is one of the best careers in the game, and you can even choose between two branches to see the stars. As you progress in your astronaut career, you’ll get promoted, earn more money, and work fewer hours each day.

The Astronaut career is one of the hardest to reach in The Sims 4, requiring high levels of Fitness, Logic, and Rocket Science skills. Thankfully, you can take advantage of different traits like Athletic and Genius to aid your skill-building. Different moods, such as Energized or Focused, can also aid you in your astronaut training. Here’s everything you need to know about The Sims 4 Astronaut career, including its branches, skill requirements, and career rewards.

The Astronaut Career in The Sims 4

The Astronaut career has two branches: Interstellar Smuggler and Space Ranger. Both branches see your Sim leave The Sims 4’s world for the stars. Each branch has its own working hours, salaries, and promotion requirements.

Here are the general Astronaut career requirements:

  • Interstellar Smuggler branch has higher pay but longer working hours
  • Space Rangers work regular hours but earn less
  • You need to reach certain skill levels in Fitness, Logic, and Rocket Science

Traits like Athletic and Genius can be useful for speeding up skill development, and it can also help to have different moods, such as Energized or Focused, which can enhance skill development.

Astronaut Career Progression

The Astronaut career has seven levels. Each level has increasing working hours, salaries, and promotion requirements. Keep in mind that working hours increase with each level, so you’ll have to plan time to spend at work.

  • Level 1: Intern (§15/hour, 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM)
  • Level 2: Space Cadet (§25/hour, 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM)
  • Level 3: Astronaut (§36/hour, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
  • Level 4: Star Skipper (§52/hour, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
  • Level 5: Planet Patrol (§75/hour, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM)
  • Level 6: Space Ranger (§105/hour, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM)
  • Level 7: Interstellar Smuggler (§146/hour, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM)

Interstellar Smuggler Branch

Space Rangers have normal working hours and earn a base salary of §1,000. Interstellar Smugglers, on the other hand, have working hours that get longer as you progress and earn a base salary of §2,400, but they also have better job perks.

Unlocks in the Interstellar Smuggler branch include:

  • Nebula Lamp
  • Space Prints
  • Galactic Explorer Desk
  • Intergalactic Light Show

Space Ranger Branch

Apollo Rocket Ship, Build Your Own Rocket Kit, and Apollo Capsule are all rewards that you can earn from the Space Ranger branch of the Astronaut career.

Space Rangers have normal working hours and earn a base salary of §1,000.

Sims 4 Career Rewards – What Do They Do?

The Astronaut career has a variety of rewards that you unlock as you progress through the career. Many of these rewards are career-specific objects that can be used at work or at home, but others are unique outfits, objects, and interactions. Remember that all of these rewards can be sold for extra income.

  • Level 1: Career Performance (§36)
  • Level 2: PTO (1 day, §64)
  • Level 3: Career Performance (§100)
  • Level 4: Space Prints
  • Level 5: Career Performance (§225)
  • Level 6: Galactic Explorer Desk
  • Level 7: Career Performance (§400)
  • Level 8: Intergalactic Light Show
  • Level 9: Career Performance (§625)
  • Level 10: Stellar Outfit

That’s everything you need to know about the Astronaut career in The Sims 4. If you’re looking for other lucrative careers, take a look at our list of the best jobs in The Sims 4.

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