Could we see dive trails in other Mythic Apex Legends sets?
We're talking specifically about the dive trails that come with Valkyrie's Mythic skin, which can be used by any legend. It's a great little feature that's found some traction in the community, and fans are urging Respawn to implement it with all future Mythic sets.
We've already seen Valkyrie's dive trail garner significant attention and praise. Players see this as an opportunity to further personalize their favorite legends in Apex Legends through more robust customization options.
"I'd like to see this in all future Mythic bundles," one player writes. "It's the best Mythic bundle by far and I'd love to see this for other legend skins."
"Would love to see a trail for all future Mythic bundles," another shares. "It's a small feature but it adds so much to the character."
We've seen similar requests for more map banners and additional music packs, as Apex Legends continues to evolve beyond its launch state. The community's desire for additional customization options reflects their dedication to the Respawn FPS game, and their willingness to seek out new features that enhance the overall player experience.
As the demand continues to grow, we're sure Respawn's attention will be brought to bear on the subject. It's been a while since the latest update and we're hoping the devs will revisit the existing Mythic sets and implement this feature.
If you haven't seen Valkyrie's dive trail in action, check out the video below. It's not something that can be seen with the naked eye, but it's a small detail that adds a lot to the character experience.
We'll be on the lookout for any Apex Legends community feedback moving forward. Check out some of our other recent articles while you wait for the next update.